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Deployment::ExecutionManager Interface Reference

import "Deployment.idl";

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

DomainApplicationManager preparePlan (in DeploymentPlan plan, in boolean commitResources) raises (ResourceNotAvailable, PlanError, StartError)
DomainApplicationManagers getManagers ()
DomainApplicationManager getManager (in string plan_uuid) raises (PlanNotExist)
void destroyManager (in DomainApplicationManager manager) raises (StopError)
void destroyManagerByPlan (in string plan_uuid) raises (StopError)
DeploymentPlan getPlan (in string plan_uuid)
void perform_redeployment (in DeploymentPlan new_plan) raises (PlanError, InstallationFailure, UnknownImplId, ImplEntryPointNotFound, InvalidConnection, InvalidProperty, ::Components::RemoveFailure)

Member Function Documentation

void Deployment::ExecutionManager::destroyManager in DomainApplicationManager  manager  )  raises (StopError)

void Deployment::ExecutionManager::destroyManagerByPlan in string  plan_uuid  )  raises (StopError)

CIAO specific extention Destroy ApplicatioManagers by plan_uuid, the unique semantics of this operation lies in the fact that if some components are still up and running, then the ApplicationManagers won't be destroyed.

DomainApplicationManager Deployment::ExecutionManager::getManager in string  plan_uuid  )  raises (PlanNotExist)

DomainApplicationManagers Deployment::ExecutionManager::getManagers  ) 

DeploymentPlan Deployment::ExecutionManager::getPlan in string  plan_uuid  ) 

CIAO specific extention "Get" operation, return the DeploymentPlan

void Deployment::ExecutionManager::perform_redeployment in DeploymentPlan  new_plan  )  raises (PlanError, InstallationFailure, UnknownImplId, ImplEntryPointNotFound, InvalidConnection, InvalidProperty, ::Components::RemoveFailure)

CIAO specific operation to handle dynamic system redeployment and reconfiguration This operation could handle dynamic redeployment, and this is the operation exposed to clients directly. Other "perform_redeployment" operation defined on DAM and NA are implementaion details within DAnCE.

DomainApplicationManager Deployment::ExecutionManager::preparePlan in DeploymentPlan  plan,
in boolean  commitResources
raises (ResourceNotAvailable, PlanError, StartError)

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Generated on Thu Feb 16 04:18:14 2006 for CIAO by  doxygen