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CIAO::NodeApplication_Callback_Impl Class Reference

A call back interface for NodeApplication Here is no need to be thread safe since for every nodeapplication we will have an unique callback object. --Tao. More...

#include <NodeApp_CB_Impl.h>

Collaboration diagram for CIAO::NodeApplication_Callback_Impl:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual PortableServer::POA_ptr _default_POA (void)

Public Attributes

NodeApplication_Callback_Impl(CORBA::ORB_ptr o, PortableServer::POA_ptr
p, Deployment::NodeApplicationManager_ptr
s, const Deployment::Properties
&properties) ACE_THROW_SPEC((CORB 
~NodeApplication_Callback_Impl )()
na, Deployment::Properties_out
ACE_THROW_SPEC((CORBA Deployment::NodeApplication_pt 
get_nodeapp_ref )(void)

Protected Attributes

CORBA::ORB_var orb_
PortableServer::POA_var poa_
Deployment::NodeApplicationManager_var nam_
Deployment::NodeApplication_var nodeapp_
Deployment::Properties_var properties_


class NodeApplicationManager_Impl

Detailed Description

A call back interface for NodeApplication Here is no need to be thread safe since for every nodeapplication we will have an unique callback object. --Tao.

Member Function Documentation

PortableServer::POA_ptr CIAO::NodeApplication_Callback_Impl::_default_POA void   )  [virtual]

Get the containing POA. This operation does *not* increase the reference count of the POA.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class NodeApplicationManager_Impl [friend]

Member Data Documentation

Deployment::NodeApplication_ptr CIAO::NodeApplication_Callback_Impl::get_nodeapp_ref

Record the NodeApplication reference returned by the newly spawned NodeApplication and give it back a reference to NodeApplicationManager

Deployment::NodeApplicationManager_var CIAO::NodeApplication_Callback_Impl::nam_ [protected]

Deployment::NodeApplication_var CIAO::NodeApplication_Callback_Impl::nodeapp_ [protected]

CORBA::ORB_var CIAO::NodeApplication_Callback_Impl::orb_ [protected]

PortableServer::POA_var CIAO::NodeApplication_Callback_Impl::poa_ [protected]

Deployment::Properties_var CIAO::NodeApplication_Callback_Impl::properties_ [protected]



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Generated on Thu Feb 16 04:18:05 2006 for CIAO by  doxygen