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Components::Navigation Interface Reference

import "CCM_Base.idl";

Inheritance diagram for Components::Navigation:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Object provide_facet (in FeatureName name) raises (InvalidName)
FacetDescriptions get_all_facets ()
FacetDescriptions get_named_facets (in NameList names) raises (InvalidName)
boolean same_component (in Object object_ref)

Member Function Documentation

FacetDescriptions Components::Navigation::get_all_facets  ) 

FacetDescriptions Components::Navigation::get_named_facets in NameList  names  )  raises (InvalidName)

Object Components::Navigation::provide_facet in FeatureName  name  )  raises (InvalidName)

boolean Components::Navigation::same_component in Object  object_ref  ) 

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Generated on Wed Dec 21 00:02:34 2005 for CIAO by  doxygen