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RtecBase.idl File Reference

Define the RtecBase module. More...

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namespace  RtecBase


struct  RtecBase::Dependency_Info
 Define dependencies between two RT_Infos. More...


typedef long handle_t
 Provide a fast, low-footprint identifier for RT_Infos.
typedef long OS_Priority
 Helper typedef to define the OS priority.
typedef long Preemption_Priority_t
 Helper typedef to define the OS-independent priority.
typedef long Preemption_Subpriority_t
 Helper typedef to define the OS-independent sub-priority.


enum  Dependency_Type_t { ONE_WAY_CALL, TWO_WAY_CALL }
 Specify type of call. More...

Detailed Description

Define the RtecBase module.

RtecBase.idl,v 1.2 2001/09/17 20:50:34 coryan Exp

Carlos O'Ryan <>

Typedef Documentation

typedef long RtecBase::handle_t

Provide a fast, low-footprint identifier for RT_Infos.

The Event and Scheduling Service need to communicate information about RT_Infos (descriptions about the scheduling properties of a simple operation). On a centralized application one would use pointers for such a task, but obviously that does not work on a distributed system. It is tempting to use object references to identify each RT_Info, but that does not work either: first the *contents* of the RT_Info must be transmitted between applications, and object references are not good identifiers (due to the semantics of _is_equivalent())

The handle_t type is used to generate unique identifiers on the scheduling service, the Event Service can then refer to any RT_Info using either their name or the quicker handle_t.

typedef long RtecBase::OS_Priority

Helper typedef to define the OS priority.

typedef long RtecBase::Preemption_Priority_t

Helper typedef to define the OS-independent priority.

typedef long RtecBase::Preemption_Subpriority_t

Helper typedef to define the OS-independent sub-priority.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum Dependency_Enabled_Type_t

Enumeration values:

enum Dependency_Type_t

Specify type of call.

Enumeration values:
ONE_WAY_CALL  One-way call.
TWO_WAY_CALL  Two-way call.

Generated on Sat Aug 6 03:30:54 2005 for TAO_RTEvent by  doxygen