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IOR.pidl File Reference

Pre-compiled IDL source for the TAO_IOP namespace. More...


namespace  TAO_IOP


exception  TAO_IOP::EmptyProfileList
 @ Bala, please describe this exception More...
exception  TAO_IOP::NotFound
 @ Bala, please describe this exception More...
exception  TAO_IOP::Duplicate
 @ Bala, please describe this exception More...
exception  TAO_IOP::Invalid_IOR
 @ Bala, please describe this exception More...
exception  TAO_IOP::MultiProfileList
 @ Bala, please describe this exception More...
interface  TAO_IOP::TAO_IOR_Property
interface  TAO_IOP::TAO_IOR_Manipulation
 Allows applications to manipulate object references. More...

Detailed Description

Pre-compiled IDL source for the TAO_IOP namespace.

IOR.pidl,v 1.8 2005/04/12 08:23:01 jwillemsen Exp

This file was used to generate the code in IORC.{h,cpp}.

To regenerate the code use:

tao_idl \ -o orig -Gp -Gd -Ge 1 -Sc -GA -Sci \ -Wb,export_macro=TAO_IORManip_Export \ -Wb,export_include="ior_manip_export.h" \ -Wb,pre_include="ace/pre.h" \ -Wb,post_include="ace/post.h" \ IOR.pidl

Generated on Sat Aug 6 03:28:18 2005 for TAO_IORManipulation by  doxygen