Classes |
struct | CosNotification::Property |
| Define a name/value pair. More...
struct | CosNotification::_EventType |
| Define event type names. More...
struct | CosNotification::PropertyRange |
| A structure to define property ranges. More...
struct | CosNotification::NamedPropertyRange |
| A named property range. More...
struct | CosNotification::PropertyError |
| Describe the problems detected with an application requested QoS. More...
exception | CosNotification::UnsupportedQoS |
| Exception used to describe problems with one or more QoS requests. More...
exception | CosNotification::UnsupportedAdmin |
| Exception used to describe problems with one or more Admin properties. More...
struct | CosNotification::FixedEventHeader |
| Define the 'fixed' part of the event header. More...
struct | CosNotification::EventHeader |
| Complete event header. More...
struct | CosNotification::StructuredEvent |
| Define structured events. More...
interface | CosNotification::QoSAdmin |
| Interface used to control the QoS properties of an Event Service components (Channel, Proxy, etc.). More...
interface | CosNotification::AdminPropertiesAdmin |
| Define the interface to manipulate the Admin properties of a Notification Service components. More...
Different kinds of property sequences |
The following are all sequences of Property, but serve different purposes.
typedef PropertySeq | OptionalHeaderFields |
| Property sequence used for optional header fields.
typedef PropertySeq | FilterableEventBody |
typedef PropertySeq | QoSProperties |
| Specify quality of service properties.
typedef PropertySeq | AdminProperties |
| Specify administrative properties.
Constants for QoS Properties |
The following constant declarations define the standard QoS property names and the associated values each property can take on. The name/value pairs for each standard property are grouped, beginning with a string constant defined for the property name, followed by the values the property can take on.
const string | EventReliability = "EventReliability" |
const short | BestEffort = 0 |
const short | Persistent = 1 |
const string | ConnectionReliability = "ConnectionReliability" |
| Can take on the same values as EventReliability.
const string | Priority = "Priority" |
const short | LowestPriority = -32767 |
const short | HighestPriority = 32767 |
const short | DefaultPriority = 0 |
const string | StartTime = "StartTime" |
| StartTime takes a value of type TimeBase::UtcT.
const string | StopTime = "StopTime" |
| StopTime takes a value of type TimeBase::UtcT.
const string | Timeout = "Timeout" |
| Timeout takes on a value of type TimeBase::TimeT.
const string | OrderPolicy = "OrderPolicy" |
const short | AnyOrder = 0 |
const short | FifoOrder = 1 |
const short | PriorityOrder = 2 |
const short | DeadlineOrder = 3 |
const string | DiscardPolicy = "DiscardPolicy" |
| DiscardPolicy takes on the same values as OrderPolicy, plus.
const short | LifoOrder = 4 |
const string | MaximumBatchSize = "MaximumBatchSize" |
| MaximumBatchSize takes on a value of type long.
const string | PacingInterval = "PacingInterval" |
| PacingInterval takes on a value of type TimeBase::TimeT.
const string | StartTimeSupported = "StartTimeSupported" |
| StartTimeSupported takes on a boolean value.
const string | StopTimeSupported = "StopTimeSupported" |
| StopTimeSupported takes on a boolean value.
const string | MaxEventsPerConsumer = "MaxEventsPerConsumer" |
| MaxEventsPerConsumer takes on a value of type long.
Constants for Admin Properties |
Admin properties are defined in similar manner as QoS properties. The only difference is that these properties are related to channel administration policies, as opposed message quality of service
const string | MaxQueueLength = "MaxQueueLength" |
| MaxQueueLength takes on a value of type long.
const string | MaxConsumers = "MaxConsumers" |
| MaxConsumers takes on a value of type long.
const string | MaxSuppliers = "MaxSuppliers" |
| MaxSuppliers takes on a value of type long.
const string | RejectNewEvents = "RejectNewEvents" |
| RejectNewEvents takes on a value of type Boolean.
Typedefs |
typedef string | Istring |
typedef Istring | PropertyName |
| Properties are named using a string.
typedef any | PropertyValue |
| Property values are stored using anys.
typedef sequence< Property > | PropertySeq |
| Define a sequence of properties.
typedef sequence< _EventType > | EventTypeSeq |
| A sequence of event types.
typedef sequence< NamedPropertyRange > | NamedPropertyRangeSeq |
| A sequence of named property ranges.
typedef sequence< PropertyError > | PropertyErrorSeq |
| List of property errors.
typedef sequence< StructuredEvent > | EventBatch |
| Sequence of events, for batch processing.
Enumerations |
enum | QoSError_code {
} |
| Describe QoS errors. More...