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CosNotifyChannelAdmin::EventChannel Interface Reference

Defines the interface to control an use an event channel. More...

import "CosNotifyChannelAdmin.idl";

Inheritance diagram for CosNotifyChannelAdmin::EventChannel:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for CosNotifyChannelAdmin::EventChannel:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

ConsumerAdmin new_for_consumers (in InterFilterGroupOperator op, out AdminID id)
 Create a new consumer admin.
SupplierAdmin new_for_suppliers (in InterFilterGroupOperator op, out AdminID id)
 Create a new supplier admin.
ConsumerAdmin get_consumeradmin (in AdminID id) raises (AdminNotFound)
 Fetch an specific consumer admin based on its ID.
SupplierAdmin get_supplieradmin (in AdminID id) raises (AdminNotFound)
 Fetch an specific supplier admin based on its ID.
AdminIDSeq get_all_consumeradmins ()
 Get the IDs of all the consumer admins.
AdminIDSeq get_all_supplieradmins ()
 Get the IDs of all the supplier admins.

Public Attributes

readonly attribute EventChannelFactory MyFactory
 The factory this event channel belongs to.
readonly attribute ConsumerAdmin default_consumer_admin
 The default consumer admin.
readonly attribute SupplierAdmin default_supplier_admin
 The default supplier admin.
readonly attribute CosNotifyFilter::FilterFactory default_filter_factory
 The default filter factory for this event channel.

Detailed Description

Defines the interface to control an use an event channel.

Member Function Documentation

AdminIDSeq CosNotifyChannelAdmin::EventChannel::get_all_consumeradmins  ) 

Get the IDs of all the consumer admins.

AdminIDSeq CosNotifyChannelAdmin::EventChannel::get_all_supplieradmins  ) 

Get the IDs of all the supplier admins.

ConsumerAdmin CosNotifyChannelAdmin::EventChannel::get_consumeradmin in AdminID  id  )  raises (AdminNotFound)

Fetch an specific consumer admin based on its ID.

id The id of the consumer that should be returned
The consumer admin assigned the given ID
AdminNotFound if there is no consumer admin with the ID provided

SupplierAdmin CosNotifyChannelAdmin::EventChannel::get_supplieradmin in AdminID  id  )  raises (AdminNotFound)

Fetch an specific supplier admin based on its ID.

id The id of the supplier that should be returned
The supplier admin assigned the given ID
AdminNotFound if there is no supplier admin with the ID provided

ConsumerAdmin CosNotifyChannelAdmin::EventChannel::new_for_consumers in InterFilterGroupOperator  op,
out AdminID  id

Create a new consumer admin.

op Defines how multiple filters would be interpreted in the new consumer admin
id Returns the ID assigned to the new consumer admin
The new consumer admin

SupplierAdmin CosNotifyChannelAdmin::EventChannel::new_for_suppliers in InterFilterGroupOperator  op,
out AdminID  id

Create a new supplier admin.

op Defines how multiple filters would be interpreted in the new supplier admin
id Returns the ID assigned to the new supplier admin
The new supplier admin

Member Data Documentation

readonly attribute ConsumerAdmin CosNotifyChannelAdmin::EventChannel::default_consumer_admin

The default consumer admin.

readonly attribute CosNotifyFilter::FilterFactory CosNotifyChannelAdmin::EventChannel::default_filter_factory

The default filter factory for this event channel.

readonly attribute SupplierAdmin CosNotifyChannelAdmin::EventChannel::default_supplier_admin

The default supplier admin.

readonly attribute EventChannelFactory CosNotifyChannelAdmin::EventChannel::MyFactory

The factory this event channel belongs to.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sat Aug 6 03:35:46 2005 for TAO_CosNotification by  doxygen