#include <Buffering_Strategy.h>
Collaboration diagram for TAO_Notify_Buffering_Strategy:
Dequeue batch. This method will block for abstime if non-zero or else blocks till an item is available. Return -1 on error or if nothing is available, else the number of items actually dequeued (1). |
Discard as per the Discard Policy.
Enqueue according the enqueing strategy. Return -1 on error else the number of items in the queue. |
Apply the Order Policy and queue. return -1 on error.
Update state with the following QoS Properties: Order Policy Discard Policy MaxEventsPerConsumer TAO_Notify_Extensions::BlockingPolicy |
Reference to the properties per event channel.
Policy to discard when buffers are full.
The global queue length - queue length accross all the queues.
The shared global lock used by all the queues.
Condition that batch size reached.
The maximum events that can be queued overall.
= Data Members The local Message Queue
Order of events in internal buffers.
Flag to shutdown.