Public Types |
enum | PH_States { START,
} |
enum | CHAR_States { IDLE,
} |
enum | EXT_Types { CAT_FILE_NAME,
} |
| Types of <extension tags="">. More...
Public Member Functions |
| Partitioning_Handler (Assembly_Spec *spec, ACEXML_XMLReader *parser, CIAO::XMLHelpers::Cascadable_DocHandler *parent, const ACEXML_Char *namespaceURI, const ACEXML_Char *localName, const ACEXML_Char *qName, ACEXML_Attributes *atts ACEXML_ENV_ARG_DECL) throw (ACEXML_SAXException) |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~Partitioning_Handler () |
| Destructor.
virtual void | characters (const ACEXML_Char *ch, int start, int length ACEXML_ENV_ARG_DECL) throw (ACEXML_SAXException) |
virtual void | endElement (const ACEXML_Char *namespaceURI, const ACEXML_Char *localName, const ACEXML_Char *qName ACEXML_ENV_ARG_DECL) throw (ACEXML_SAXException) |
virtual void | startElement (const ACEXML_Char *namespaceURI, const ACEXML_Char *localName, const ACEXML_Char *qName, ACEXML_Attributes *atts ACEXML_ENV_ARG_DECL) throw (ACEXML_SAXException) |
Protected Member Functions |
EXT_Types | get_extension_info (ACEXML_Attributes *atts ACEXML_ENV_ARG_DECL) throw (ACEXML_SAXException) |
Protected Attributes |
long | element_count_ |
Assembly_Spec * | context_ |
Assembly_Placement::hostcollocation * | host_collocation_ |
| Temporary holder when building componentinstantiation spec.
Assembly_Placement::processcollocation * | process_collocation_ |
| Temporary holder when building componentinstantiation spec.
Assembly_Placement::homeplacement * | home_placement_ |
| Temporary holder when building homeplacement spec.
Assembly_Placement::componentinstantiation * | comp_instance_ |
| Temporary holder when building componentinstantiation spec.
PH_States | state_ |
ACE_CString | characters_ |
| Holding the PCDATA.
EXT_Types | ext_type_ |
| Trace the type of extension element we are dealing with.
Assembly_Placement::componentinstantiation::Register_Info | comp_register_info_ |
| Temporary holder when building registration information.