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AVStreams::flowStatus Struct Reference

Used to store the status of a flow. More...

import "AVStreams.idl";

Collaboration diagram for AVStreams::flowStatus:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Attributes

string flowName
dirType directionality
flowState status
SFPStatus theFormat
QoS theQoS

Detailed Description

Used to store the status of a flow.

Member Data Documentation

dirType AVStreams::flowStatus::directionality

string AVStreams::flowStatus::flowName

flowState AVStreams::flowStatus::status

SFPStatus AVStreams::flowStatus::theFormat

QoS AVStreams::flowStatus::theQoS

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Thu Jun 9 00:40:50 2005 for TAO_AV by  doxygen