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Svc_Conf_y.cpp File Reference

#include "ace/Svc_Conf.h"
#include "ace/ARGV.h"
#include "ace/Module.h"
#include "ace/Stream.h"
#include "ace/Service_Types.h"
#include "ace/OS_NS_string.h"
#include <stdlib.h>

Include dependency graph for Svc_Conf_y.cpp:

Include dependency graph


#define ACE_YYBISON   1
#define ACE_DYNAMIC   257
#define ACE_STATIC   258
#define ACE_SUSPEND   259
#define ACE_RESUME   260
#define ACE_REMOVE   261
#define ACE_USTREAM   262
#define ACE_MODULE_T   263
#define ACE_STREAM_T   264
#define ACE_SVC_OBJ_T   265
#define ACE_ACTIVE   266
#define ACE_INACTIVE   267
#define ACE_PATHNAME   268
#define ACE_IDENT   269
#define ACE_STRING   270
#define ACE_YYDEBUG_LEXER_TEXT   (ace_yytext[ace_yyleng] = '\0', ace_yytext)
#define ACE_YYDEBUG   0
#define ACE_YYFINAL   66
#define ACE_YYFLAG   -32768
#define ACE_YYNTBASE   23
#define ACE_YYTRANSLATE(x)   ((unsigned)(x) <= 270 ? ace_yytranslate[x] : 43)
#define ACE_YYLAST   61
#define ACE_YYPURE   1
#define ACE_YYSIZE_T   size_t
#define ACE_YYSTACK_ALLOC   malloc
#define ACE_YYSTACK_FREE   free
#define ace_yyerrok   (ace_yyerrstatus = 0)
#define ace_yyclearin   (ace_yychar = ACE_YYEMPTY)
#define ACE_YYEMPTY   -2
#define ACE_YYEOF   0
#define ACE_YYACCEPT   goto ace_yyacceptlab
#define ACE_YYABORT   goto ace_yyabortlab
#define ACE_YYERROR   goto ace_yyerrlab1
#define ACE_YYFAIL   goto ace_yyerrlab
#define ACE_YYRECOVERING()   (!!ace_yyerrstatus)
#define ACE_YYBACKUP(Token, Value)
#define ACE_YYTERROR   1
#define ACE_YYERRCODE   256
#define ACE_YYLLOC_DEFAULT(Current, Rhs, N)
#define ACE_YYLEX   ace_yylex (&ace_yylval, ACE_YYLEX_PARAM)
#define ACE_YYDPRINTF(Args)
#define ACE_YYINITDEPTH   200
#define ACE_YYMAXDEPTH   10000
#define ACE_YYPOPSTACK   (ace_yyvsp--, ace_yyssp--)


ACE_Module_Typeace_get_module (ACE_Static_Node *str_rec, ACE_Static_Node *svc_type, int &ace_yyerrno)
ACE_Module_Typeace_get_module (ACE_Static_Node *str_rec, const ACE_TCHAR *svc_name, int &ace_yyerrno)
void ace_yyerror (int ace_yyerrno, int ace_yylineno, const char *s)
 Error handling routine required by YACC or BISON.


const ACE_TCHAR ace_yytranslate []
const short ace_yyr1 []
const short ace_yyr2 []
const short ace_yydefact []
const short ace_yydefgoto []
const short ace_yypact []
const short ace_yypgoto []
const short ace_yytable []
const short ace_yycheck []

Define Documentation

#define ACE_ACTIVE   266

#define ACE_DYNAMIC   257

#define ACE_IDENT   269

#define ACE_INACTIVE   267

#define ACE_MODULE_T   263

#define ACE_PATHNAME   268

#define ACE_REMOVE   261

#define ACE_RESUME   260

#define ACE_STATIC   258

#define ACE_STREAM_T   264

#define ACE_STRING   270

#define ACE_SUSPEND   259

#define ACE_SVC_OBJ_T   265

#define ACE_USTREAM   262



/* The lookahead symbol.  */                            \
int ace_yychar;                                         \
/* The semantic value of the lookahead symbol. */       \
ACE_YYSTYPE ace_yylval;                                         \
/* Number of parse errors so far.  */                   \
int ace_yynerrs;


#define ACE_YYABORT   goto ace_yyabortlab

#define ACE_YYACCEPT   goto ace_yyacceptlab

#define ACE_YYBACKUP Token,
Value   ) 


do                                                              \
  if (ace_yychar == ACE_YYEMPTY && ace_yylen == 1)                              \
    {                                                           \
      ace_yychar = (Token);                                             \
      ace_yylval = (Value);                                             \
      ace_yychar1 = ACE_YYTRANSLATE (ace_yychar);                               \
      ACE_YYPOPSTACK;                                           \
      goto ace_yybackup;                                                \
    }                                                           \
  else                                                          \
    {                                                           \
      ace_yyerror (ACE_SVC_CONF_PARAM->yyerrno, ACE_SVC_CONF_PARAM->yylineno, "syntax error: cannot back up");                  \
      ACE_YYERROR;                                                      \
    }                                                           \
while (0)

#define ACE_YYBISON   1

#define ace_yyclearin   (ace_yychar = ACE_YYEMPTY)

#define ACE_YYDEBUG   0

#define ACE_YYDEBUG_LEXER_TEXT   (ace_yytext[ace_yyleng] = '\0', ace_yytext)

#define ACE_YYDPRINTF Args   ) 

#define ACE_YYEMPTY   -2

#define ACE_YYEOF   0

#define ACE_YYERRCODE   256

#define ace_yyerrok   (ace_yyerrstatus = 0)

#define ACE_YYERROR   goto ace_yyerrlab1

#define ACE_YYFAIL   goto ace_yyerrlab

#define ACE_YYFINAL   66

#define ACE_YYFLAG   -32768

#define ACE_YYINITDEPTH   200

#define ACE_YYLAST   61

#define ACE_YYLEX   ace_yylex (&ace_yylval, ACE_YYLEX_PARAM)

#define ACE_YYLLOC_DEFAULT Current,


Current.last_line   = Rhs[N].last_line; \
   Current.last_column = Rhs[N].last_column;

#define ACE_YYMAXDEPTH   10000

#define ACE_YYNTBASE   23



#define ACE_YYPOPSTACK   (ace_yyvsp--, ace_yyssp--)

#define ACE_YYPURE   1

#define ACE_YYRECOVERING  )     (!!ace_yyerrstatus)

#define ACE_YYSIZE_T   size_t

#define ACE_YYSTACK_ALLOC   malloc

#define ACE_YYSTACK_FREE   free

#define ACE_YYTERROR   1

#define ACE_YYTRANSLATE  )     ((unsigned)(x) <= 270 ? ace_yytranslate[x] : 43)

Function Documentation

ACE_Module_Type * ace_get_module ACE_Static_Node str_rec,
const ACE_TCHAR svc_name,
int &  ace_yyerrno

ACE_Module_Type * ace_get_module ACE_Static_Node str_rec,
ACE_Static_Node svc_type,
int &  ace_yyerrno

void ace_yyerror int  ace_yyerrno,
int  ace_yylineno,
const char *  s

Error handling routine required by YACC or BISON.

int ace_yyparse ACE_YYPARSE_PARAM_ARG   ) 

Variable Documentation

const short ace_yycheck[] [static]

Initial value:

       8,     8,     3,     4,     5,     6,     7,     3,     4,    14,
      15,    16,    12,    13,    19,    17,    15,    18,    15,    15,
       0,     1,    15,     3,     4,     5,     6,     7,     8,    15,
       9,    10,    11,    15,    22,    16,    19,    22,    22,    15,
      15,     0,    20,    20,    52,    52,    52,    21,    21,    52,
      18,    -1,    -1,    -1,    52,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
      -1,    33

const short ace_yydefact[] [static]

Initial value:

       3,     0,     2,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     1,
       4,     5,     6,     7,     8,     9,     0,    41,    41,    12,
      13,    14,    16,    18,    19,    22,     0,     0,     0,     0,
      40,    10,    11,    22,    20,    15,    37,    39,    38,    42,
      43,    44,     0,    33,     0,    17,    24,     0,    31,    32,
      30,     0,     0,     0,    34,    21,    25,    26,    27,    28,
      29,    23,    36,     0,    35,     0,     0

const short ace_yydefgoto[] [static]

Initial value:

       1,     9,    10,    11,    12,    13,    14,    15,    33,    25,
      35,    46,    52,    61,    17,    50,    43,    29,    31,    44

const short ace_yypact[] [static]

Initial value:

  -32768,    20,-32768,     1,     3,     7,    14,    18,     4,-32768,
  -32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,    21,    19,    19,-32768,
  -32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,    -2,    12,    15,    16,    -5,
  -32768,-32768,-32768,    -2,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,
  -32768,-32768,    24,     0,    17,-32768,-32768,    22,-32768,-32768,
  -32768,    25,    -1,    26,    23,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,
  -32768,-32768,-32768,    27,-32768,    41,-32768

const short ace_yypgoto[] [static]

Initial value:

  -32768,-32768,    -8,    -7,    -6,    -3,     2,-32768,-32768,-32768,
      28,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,-32768,    32,-32768

const short ace_yyr1[] [static]

Initial value:

       0,    23,    23,    23,    24,    24,    24,    24,    24,    24,
      25,    26,    27,    28,    29,    30,    31,    30,    32,    32,
      34,    33,    33,    35,    35,    36,    36,    36,    36,    36,
      37,    38,    38,    38,    39,    39,    39,    40,    40,    40,
      41,    41,    42,    42,    42

const short ace_yyr2[] [static]

Initial value:

       0,     2,     2,     0,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,
       3,     3,     2,     2,     2,     3,     0,     4,     1,     1,
       0,     4,     0,     2,     0,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,
       4,     1,     1,     0,     3,     5,     4,     2,     2,     2,
       1,     0,     1,     1,     1

const short ace_yytable[] [static]

Initial value:

      23,    24,     3,     4,     5,     6,     7,     3,     4,    39,
      40,    41,    48,    49,    42,    34,    16,    55,    18,    22,
      65,     2,    19,     3,     4,     5,     6,     7,     8,    20,
      26,    27,    28,    21,    36,    30,    51,    37,    38,    47,
      54,    66,    53,    63,    56,    57,    58,    62,    64,    59,
      32,     0,     0,     0,    60,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
       0,    45

const ACE_TCHAR ace_yytranslate[] [static]

Generated on Wed Jun 8 23:51:59 2005 for ACE by  doxygen