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PG_conf.h File Reference

#include "ace/config-all.h"
#include "orbsvcs/PortableGroupC.h"

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const size_t TAO_PG_MAX_OBJECT_GROUPS = 1024
const size_t TAO_PG_MAX_LOCATIONS = 1024
const PortableGroup::MembershipStyleValue TAO_PG_MEMBERSHIP_STYLE
 The default object group membership style.
const PortableGroup::InitialNumberMembersValue TAO_PG_INITIAL_NUMBER_MEMBERS
 The default initial number of object group members.
const PortableGroup::MinimumNumberMembersValue TAO_PG_MINIMUM_NUMBER_MEMBERS
 The default minimum number of object group members.

Detailed Description

PG_conf.h,v 1.8 2004/08/16 23:53:14 jtc Exp

Ossama Othman <>

Variable Documentation

const PortableGroup::InitialNumberMembersValue TAO_PG_INITIAL_NUMBER_MEMBERS

Initial value:

The default initial number of object group members.

const size_t TAO_PG_MAX_LOCATIONS = 1024

The maximum number of locations to be managed by the ObjectGroupManager.

const size_t TAO_PG_MAX_OBJECT_GROUPS = 1024

The maximum number of object groups to be managed by the ObjectGroupManager. This number is also equal to the number of factory sets managed by the GenericFactory.

const PortableGroup::MembershipStyleValue TAO_PG_MEMBERSHIP_STYLE

Initial value:

The default object group membership style.

const PortableGroup::MinimumNumberMembersValue TAO_PG_MINIMUM_NUMBER_MEMBERS

Initial value:

The default minimum number of object group members.

Generated on Sun May 15 13:39:25 2005 for TAO_PortableGroup by  doxygen