#include <Transport.h>
Inheritance diagram for TAO_Transport:
Template methods | |
The Transport class uses the Template Method Pattern to implement the protocol specific functionality. Implementors of a pluggable protocol should override the following methods with the semantics documented below. | |
virtual ACE_Event_Handler * | event_handler_i (void)=0 |
bool | is_connected (void) const |
Is this transport really connected. | |
bool | post_open (size_t id) |
Perform all the actions when this transport get opened. | |
TAO_Connection_Handler * | connection_handler (void) |
Get the connection handler for this transport. | |
TAO_OutputCDR & | out_stream (void) |
Accessor for the output CDR stream. | |
int | generate_locate_request (TAO_Target_Specification &spec, TAO_Operation_Details &opdetails, TAO_OutputCDR &output) |
virtual int | generate_request_header (TAO_Operation_Details &opd, TAO_Target_Specification &spec, TAO_OutputCDR &msg) |
int | recache_transport (TAO_Transport_Descriptor_Interface *desc) |
Recache ourselves in the cache. | |
virtual int | handle_input (TAO_Resume_Handle &rh, ACE_Time_Value *max_wait_time=0, int block=0) |
Callback to read incoming data. | |
virtual int | send_request (TAO_Stub *stub, TAO_ORB_Core *orb_core, TAO_OutputCDR &stream, int message_semantics, ACE_Time_Value *max_time_wait)=0 |
virtual int | send_message (TAO_OutputCDR &stream, TAO_Stub *stub=0, int message_semantics=TAO_Transport::TAO_TWOWAY_REQUEST, ACE_Time_Value *max_time_wait=0)=0 |
virtual int | send_message_shared (TAO_Stub *stub, int message_semantics, const ACE_Message_Block *message_block, ACE_Time_Value *max_wait_time) |
Sent the contents of message_block. | |
int | format_queue_message (TAO_OutputCDR &stream) |
Format and queue a message for stream. | |
int | send_message_block_chain (const ACE_Message_Block *message_block, size_t &bytes_transferred, ACE_Time_Value *max_wait_time=0) |
Send a message block chain,. | |
int | send_message_block_chain_i (const ACE_Message_Block *message_block, size_t &bytes_transferred, ACE_Time_Value *max_wait_time) |
Send a message block chain, assuming the lock is held. | |
int | purge_entry (void) |
Cache management. | |
int | make_idle (void) |
Cache management. | |
int | update_transport (void) |
Cache management. | |
int | handle_timeout (const ACE_Time_Value ¤t_time, const void *act) |
size_t | recv_buffer_size (void) |
Accessor to recv_buffer_size_. | |
size_t | sent_byte_count (void) |
Accessor to sent_byte_count_. | |
TAO_Codeset_Translator_Factory * | char_translator (void) const |
CodeSet Negotiation - Get the char codeset translator factory. | |
TAO_Codeset_Translator_Factory * | wchar_translator (void) const |
CodeSet Negotiation - Get the wchar codeset translator factory. | |
void | char_translator (TAO_Codeset_Translator_Factory *) |
CodeSet negotiation - Set the char codeset translator factory. | |
void | wchar_translator (TAO_Codeset_Translator_Factory *) |
CodeSet negotiation - Set the wchar codeset translator factory. | |
void | assign_translators (TAO_InputCDR *, TAO_OutputCDR *) |
void | clear_translators (TAO_InputCDR *, TAO_OutputCDR *) |
CORBA::Boolean | is_tcs_set () const |
Return true if the tcs has been set. | |
void | first_request_sent () |
Set the state of the first_request_ flag to 0. | |
void | send_connection_closed_notifications (void) |
virtual TAO_Connection_Handler * | connection_handler_i (void)=0 |
int | parse_consolidate_messages (ACE_Message_Block &bl, TAO_Resume_Handle &rh, ACE_Time_Value *time=0) |
int | parse_incoming_messages (ACE_Message_Block &message_block) |
size_t | missing_data (ACE_Message_Block &message_block) |
virtual int | consolidate_message (ACE_Message_Block &incoming, ssize_t missing_data, TAO_Resume_Handle &rh, ACE_Time_Value *max_wait_time) |
int | consolidate_fragments (TAO_Queued_Data *qd, TAO_Resume_Handle &rh) |
@Bala: Docu??? | |
int | consolidate_message_queue (ACE_Message_Block &incoming, ssize_t missing_data, TAO_Resume_Handle &rh, ACE_Time_Value *max_wait_time) |
int | consolidate_extra_messages (ACE_Message_Block &incoming, TAO_Resume_Handle &rh) |
int | process_parsed_messages (TAO_Queued_Data *qd, TAO_Resume_Handle &rh) |
TAO_Queued_Data * | make_queued_data (ACE_Message_Block &incoming) |
Make a queued data from the incoming message block. | |
int | send_message_shared_i (TAO_Stub *stub, int message_semantics, const ACE_Message_Block *message_block, ACE_Time_Value *max_wait_time) |
int | queue_message_i (const ACE_Message_Block *message_block) |
Queue a message for message_block. | |
CORBA::ULong | tag_ |
IOP protocol tag. | |
TAO_ORB_Core * | orb_core_ |
Global orbcore resource. | |
TAO_Transport_Cache_Manager::HASH_MAP_ENTRY * | cache_map_entry_ |
TAO_Transport_Mux_Strategy * | tms_ |
TAO_Wait_Strategy * | ws_ |
Strategy for waiting for the reply after sending the request. | |
int | bidirectional_flag_ |
TAO::Connection_Role | opening_connection_role_ |
TAO_Queued_Message * | head_ |
Implement the outgoing data queue. | |
TAO_Queued_Message * | tail_ |
TAO_Incoming_Message_Queue | incoming_message_queue_ |
Queue of the incoming messages.. | |
ACE_Time_Value | current_deadline_ |
long | flush_timer_id_ |
The timer ID. | |
TAO_Transport_Timer | transport_timer_ |
The adapter used to receive timeout callbacks from the Reactor. | |
ACE_Lock * | handler_lock_ |
size_t | id_ |
A unique identifier for the transport. | |
unsigned long | purging_order_ |
Used by the LRU, LFU and FIFO Connection Purging Strategies. | |
size_t | recv_buffer_size_ |
Size of the buffer received. | |
size_t | sent_byte_count_ |
Number of bytes sent. | |
bool | is_connected_ |
TAO_Transport_Cache_Manager & | transport_cache_manager (void) |
Helper method that returns the Transport Cache Manager. | |
int | drain_queue (void) |
Send some of the data in the queue. | |
int | drain_queue_i (void) |
Implement drain_queue() assuming the lock is held. | |
int | queue_is_empty_i (void) |
Check if there are messages pending in the queue. | |
int | drain_queue_helper (int &iovcnt, iovec iov[]) |
A helper routine used in drain_queue_i(). | |
int | schedule_output_i (void) |
Schedule handle_output() callbacks. | |
int | cancel_output_i (void) |
Cancel handle_output() callbacks. | |
void | cleanup_queue (size_t byte_count) |
Cleanup the queue. | |
void | cleanup_queue_i () |
Cleanup the complete queue. | |
int | check_buffering_constraints_i (TAO_Stub *stub, int &must_flush) |
Check if the buffering constraints have been reached. | |
int | send_synchronous_message_i (const ACE_Message_Block *message_block, ACE_Time_Value *max_wait_time) |
int | send_reply_message_i (const ACE_Message_Block *message_block, ACE_Time_Value *max_wait_time) |
int | send_synch_message_helper_i (TAO_Synch_Queued_Message &s, ACE_Time_Value *max_wait_time) |
int | flush_timer_pending (void) const |
Check if the flush timer is still pending. | |
void | reset_flush_timer (void) |
void | report_invalid_event_handler (const char *caller) |
Print out error messages if the event handler is not valid. | |
int | process_queue_head (TAO_Resume_Handle &rh) |
int | notify_reactor (void) |
void | send_connection_closed_notifications_i (void) |
Assume the lock is held. | |
void | process_fragment (TAO_Queued_Data *fragment_message, TAO_Queued_Data *queueable_message, CORBA::Octet major, CORBA::Octet minor, TAO_Resume_Handle &rh) |
void | allocate_partial_message_block (void) |
TAO_Transport (const TAO_Transport &) | |
Prohibited. | |
void | operator= (const TAO_Transport &) |
TAO_Codeset_Translator_Factory * | char_translator_ |
Additional member values required to support codeset translation. | |
TAO_Codeset_Translator_Factory * | wchar_translator_ |
CORBA::Boolean | tcs_set_ |
CORBA::Boolean | first_request_ |
ACE_Message_Block * | partial_message_ |
Holds the partial GIOP message (if there is one). | |
class | TAO_Block_Flushing_Strategy |
class | TAO_Reactive_Flushing_Strategy |
class | TAO_Leader_Follower_Flushing_Strategy |
class | TAO_Thread_Per_Connection_Handler |
Public Member Functions | |
TAO_Transport (CORBA::ULong tag, TAO_ORB_Core *orb_core) | |
Default creator, requires the tag value be supplied. | |
virtual | ~TAO_Transport (void) |
Destructor. | |
CORBA::ULong | tag (void) const |
Return the protocol tag. | |
TAO_ORB_Core * | orb_core (void) const |
Access the ORB that owns this connection. | |
TAO_Transport_Mux_Strategy * | tms (void) const |
Get the TAO_Tranport_Mux_Strategy used by this object. | |
TAO_Wait_Strategy * | wait_strategy (void) const |
Return the TAO_Wait_Strategy used by this object. | |
int | handle_output (void) |
Callback method to reactively drain the outgoing data queue. | |
int | bidirectional_flag (void) const |
Get the bidirectional flag. | |
void | bidirectional_flag (int flag) |
Set the bidirectional flag. | |
void | cache_map_entry (TAO_Transport_Cache_Manager::HASH_MAP_ENTRY *entry) |
Set the Cache Map entry. | |
TAO_Transport_Cache_Manager::HASH_MAP_ENTRY * | cache_map_entry (void) |
Get the Cache Map entry. | |
size_t | id (void) const |
Set and Get the identifier for this transport instance. | |
void | id (size_t id) |
TAO::Connection_Role | opened_as (void) const |
void | opened_as (TAO::Connection_Role) |
unsigned long | purging_order (void) const |
void | purging_order (unsigned long value) |
int | queue_is_empty (void) |
Check if there are messages pending in the queue. | |
void | provide_handler (TAO_Connection_Handler_Set &handlers) |
Added event handler to the handlers set. | |
virtual int | register_handler (void) |
Register the handler with the reactor. | |
virtual ssize_t | send (iovec *iov, int iovcnt, size_t &bytes_transferred, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0)=0 |
Write the complete Message_Block chain to the connection. | |
virtual ssize_t | recv (char *buffer, size_t len, const ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0)=0 |
Read len bytes from into buf. | |
Control connection lifecycle | |
These methods are routed through the TMS object. The TMS strategies implement them correctly. | |
bool | idle_after_send (void) |
bool | idle_after_reply (void) |
virtual void | close_connection (void) |
Call the implementation method after obtaining the lock. | |
Template methods | |
The Transport class uses the Template Method Pattern to implement the protocol specific functionality. Implementors of a pluggable protocol should override the following methods with the semantics documented below. | |
virtual int | messaging_init (CORBA::Octet major, CORBA::Octet minor)=0 |
virtual int | tear_listen_point_list (TAO_InputCDR &cdr) |
ACE_Event_Handler::Reference_Count | add_reference (void) |
Memory management routines. | |
ACE_Event_Handler::Reference_Count | remove_reference (void) |
virtual TAO_Pluggable_Messaging * | messaging_object (void)=0 |
The transport object is created in the Service handler constructor and deleted in the Service Handler's destructor!!
The main responsability of a Transport object is to encapsulate a connection, and provide a transport independent way to send and receive data. Since TAO is heavily based on the Reactor for all if not all its I/O the Transport class is usually implemented with a helper Connection Handler that adapts the generic Transport interface to the Reactor types.
One of the responsibilities of the TAO_Transport class is to send out GIOP messages as efficiently as possible. In most cases messages are put out in FIFO order, the transport object will put out the message using a single system call and return control to the application. However, for oneways and AMI requests it may be more efficient (or required if the SYNC_NONE policy is in effect) to queue the messages until a large enough data set is available. Another reason to queue is that some applications cannot block for I/O, yet they want to send messages so large that a single write() operation would not be able to cope with them. In such cases we need to queue the data and use the Reactor to drain the queue.
Therefore, the Transport class may need to use a queue to temporarily hold the messages, and, in some configurations, it may need to use the Reactor to concurrently drain such queues.
TAO provides explicit policies to send 'urgent' messages. Such messages may put at the head of the queue. However, they cannot be sent immediately because the transport may already be sending another message in a reactive fashion.
Consequently, the Transport must also know if the head of the queue has been partially sent. In that case new messages can only follow the head. Only once the head is completely sent we can start sending new messages.
One or more threads can be blocked waiting for the connection to completely send the message. The thread should return as soon as its message has been sent, so a per-thread condition is required. This suggest that simply using a ACE_Message_Queue would not be enough: there is a significant amount of ancillary information, to keep on each message that the Message_Block class does not provide room for.
Blocking I/O is still attractive for some applications. First, my eliminating the Reactor overhead performance is improved when sending large blocks of data. Second, using the Reactor to send out data opens the door for nested upcalls, yet some applications cannot deal with the reentrancy issues in this case.
Some or all messages could have a timeout period attached to them. The timeout source could either be some high-level policy or maybe some strategy to prevent denial of service attacks. In any case the timeouts are per-message, and later messages could have shorter timeouts. In fact, some kind of scheduling (such as EDF) could be required in a few applications.
The outgoing data path consist in several components:
The Transport object provides a single method to send request messages (send_request_message ()).
One of the main responsibilities of the transport is to read and process the incoming GIOP message as quickly and efficiently as possible. There are other forces that needs to be given due consideration. They are
The messages should be checked for validity and the right information should be sent to the higher layer for processing. The process of doing a sanity check and preparing the messages for the higher layers of the ORB are done by the messaging protocol.
To keep things as efficient as possible for medium sized requests, it would be good to minimise data copying and locking along the incoming path ie. from the time of reading the data from the handle to the application. We achieve this by creating a buffer on stack and reading the data from the handle into the buffer. We then pass the same data block (the buffer is encapsulated into a data block) to the higher layers of the ORB. The problems stem from the following (a) Data is bigger than the buffer that we have on stack (b) Transports like TCP do not guarantee availability of the whole chunk of data in one shot. Data could trickle in byte by byte. (c) Single read gives multiple messages
We solve the problems as follows
(a) First do a read with the buffer on stack. Query the underlying messaging object whether the message has any incomplete portion. If so, we just grow the buffer for the missing size and read the rest of the message. We free the handle and then send the message to the higher layers of the ORB for processing.
(b) If we block (ie. if we receive a EWOULDBLOCK) while trying to do the above (ie. trying to read after growing the buffer size) we put the message in a queue and return back to the reactor. The reactor would call us back when the handle becomes read ready.
(c) If we get multiple messages (possible if the client connected to the server sends oneways or AMI requests), we parse and split the messages. Every message is put in the queue. Once the messages are queued, the thread picks up one message to send to the higher layers of the ORB. Before doing that, if it finds more messages, it sends a notify to the reactor without resuming the handle. The next thread picks up a message from the queue and processes that. Once the queue is drained the last thread resumes the handle.
We could use the outgoing path of the ORB to send replies. This would allow us to reuse most of the code in the outgoing data path. We were doing this till TAO-1.2.3. We run in to problems. When writing the reply the ORB gets flow controlled, and the ORB tries to flush the message by going into the reactor. This resulted in unnecessary nesting. The thread that gets into the Reactor could potentially handle other messages (incoming or outgoing) and the stack starts growing leading to crashes.
The solution that we (plan to) adopt is pretty straight forward. The thread sending replies will not block to send the replies but queue the replies and return to the Reactor. (Note the careful usages of the terms "blocking in the Reactor" as opposed to "return back to the Reactor".
See Also:
Default creator, requires the tag value be supplied.
Memory management routines.
Allocate a partial message block and store it in our partial_message_ data member. |
Use the Transport's codeset factories to set the translator for input and output CDRs. |
Set the bidirectional flag.
Get the bidirectional flag.
Get the Cache Map entry.
Set the Cache Map entry.
Cancel handle_output() callbacks.
CodeSet negotiation - Set the char codeset translator factory.
CodeSet Negotiation - Get the char codeset translator factory.
Check if the buffering constraints have been reached.
Cleanup the queue. Exactly byte_count bytes have been sent, the queue must be cleaned up as potentially several messages have been completely sent out. It leaves on head_ the next message to send out. |
Cleanup the complete queue.
It is necessary to clear the codeset translator when a CDR stream is used for more than one GIOP message. This is required since the header must not be translated, whereas the body must be. |
Call the implementation method after obtaining the lock.
Get the connection handler for this transport.
Implemented in TAO_IIOP_Transport. |
Called by parse_consolidate_message () if we have more messages in one read. Queue up the messages and try to process one of them, atleast at the head of them. |
@Bala: Docu???
Consolidate the currently read message or consolidate the last message in the queue. The consolidation of the last message in the queue is done by calling consolidate_message_queue (). |
First consolidate the message queue. If the message is still not complete, try to read from the handle again to make it complete. If these dont help put the message back in the queue and try to check the queue if we have message to process. (the thread needs to do some work anyway :-)) |
Send some of the data in the queue. As the outgoing data is drained this method is invoked to send as much of the current message as possible. Returns 0 if there is more data to send, -1 if there was an error and 1 if the message was completely sent. |
A helper routine used in drain_queue_i().
Implement drain_queue() assuming the lock is held.
Normally a concrete TAO_Transport object has-a ACE_Event_Handler member that functions as an adapter between the ACE_Reactor framework and the TAO pluggable protocol framework. In all the protocols implemented so far this role is fullfilled by an instance of ACE_Svc_Handler.
Implemented in TAO_IIOP_Transport. |
Set the state of the first_request_ flag to 0.
Check if the flush timer is still pending.
Format and queue a message for stream.
This is a request for the transport object to write a LocateRequest header before it is sent out. |
This is a request for the transport object to write a request header before it sends out the request Reimplemented in TAO_IIOP_Transport. |
Callback to read incoming data. The ACE_Event_Handler adapter invokes this method as part of its handle_input() operation.
Callback method to reactively drain the outgoing data queue.
Set and Get the identifier for this transport instance.
If not set, this will return an integer representation of the |
Request is sent and the reply is received. Idle the transport now. |
Request has been just sent, but the reply is not received. Idle the transport now. |
Is this transport really connected.
Return true if the tcs has been set.
Cache management.
Make a queued data from the incoming message block.
Initialising the messaging object. This would be used by the connector side. On the acceptor side the connection handler would take care of the messaging objects. Implemented in TAO_IIOP_Transport. |
Return the messaging object that is used to format the data that needs to be sent. Implemented in TAO_IIOP_Transport. |
Return if we have any missing data in the queue of messages or determine if we have more information left out in the presently read message to make it complete. |
Methods dealing with the role of the connection, e.g., CLIENT or SERVER. See CORBA 2.6 Specification, Section 15.5.1 for origin of definitions. |
Access the ORB that owns this connection.
Accessor for the output CDR stream.
Called by the handle_input_i(). This method is used to parse message read by the handle_input_i() call. It also decides whether the message needs consolidation before processing. |
Method does parsing of the message if we have a fresh message in the message_block or just returns if we have read part of the previously stored message. |
Perform all the actions when this transport get opened.
Process a non-version specific fragment by either consolidating the fragments or enqueuing the queueable message |
Process the message by sending it to the higher layers of the ORB. |
Added event handler to the handlers set. Called by the cache when the cache is closing.
Cache management.
Get and Set the purging order. The purging strategy uses the set version to set the purging order. |
Check if there are messages pending in the queue.
Check if there are messages pending in the queue. This version assumes that the lock is already held. Use with care!
Queue a message for message_block.
Recache ourselves in the cache.
Read len bytes from into buf. This method serializes on handler_lock_, guaranteeing that only thread can execute it on the same instance concurrently.
Implemented in TAO_IIOP_Transport. |
Accessor to recv_buffer_size_.
Register the handler with the reactor. Register the handler with the reactor. This method is used by the Wait_On_Reactor strategy. The transport must register its event handler with the ORB's Reactor.
Initialising the messaging object. This would be used by the connector side. On the acceptor side the connection handler would take care of the messaging objects. |
Print out error messages if the event handler is not valid.
The flush timer expired or was explicitly cancelled, mark it as not pending |
Schedule handle_output() callbacks.
Write the complete Message_Block chain to the connection. This method serializes on handler_lock_, guaranteeing that only thread can execute it on the same instance concurrently. Often the implementation simply forwards the arguments to the underlying ACE_Svc_Handler class. Using the code factored out into ACE. Be careful with protocols that perform non-trivial transformations of the data, such as SSLIOP or protocols that compress the stream.
Implemented in TAO_IIOP_Transport. |
Notify all the components inside a Transport when the underlying connection is closed. |
Assume the lock is held.
Once the ORB is prepared to receive a reply (see send_request() above), and all the arguments have been marshaled the CDR stream must be 'formatted', i.e. the message_size field in the GIOP header can finally be set to the proper value. Implemented in TAO_IIOP_Transport. |
Send a message block chain,.
Send a message block chain, assuming the lock is held.
Sent the contents of message_block.
Reimplemented in TAO_IIOP_Transport. |
Implement send_message_shared() assuming the handler_lock_ is held. |
Send a reply message, i.e. do not block until the message is on the wire, but just return after adding them to the queue. |
Preparing the ORB to receive the reply only once the request is completely sent opens the system to some subtle race conditions: suppose the ORB is running in a multi-threaded configuration, thread A makes a request while thread B is using the Reactor to process all incoming requests. Thread A could be implemented as follows: 1) send the request 2) setup the ORB to receive the reply 3) wait for the request but in this case thread B may receive the reply between step (1) and (2), and drop it as an invalid or unexpected message. Consequently the correct implementation is: 1) setup the ORB to receive the reply 2) send the request 3) wait for the reply The following method encapsulates this idiom.
Implemented in TAO_IIOP_Transport. |
A helper method used by send_synchronous_message_i() and send_reply_message_i(). Reusable code that could be used by both the methods. |
Send a synchronous message, i.e. block until the message is on the wire |
Accessor to sent_byte_count_.
Return the protocol tag. The OMG assigns unique tags (a 32-bit unsigned number) to each protocol. New protocol tags can be obtained free of charge from the OMG, check the documents in corbafwd.h for more details. |
Extracts the list of listen points from the cdr stream. The list would have the protocol specific details of the ListenPoints Reimplemented in TAO_IIOP_Transport. |
Get the TAO_Tranport_Mux_Strategy used by this object. The role of the TAO_Transport_Mux_Strategy is described in more detail in that class' documentation. Enough is to say that the class is used to control how many threads can have pending requests over the same connection. Multiplexing multiple threads over the same connection conserves resources and is almost required for AMI, but having only one pending request per connection is more efficient and reduces the possibilities of priority inversions. |
Helper method that returns the Transport Cache Manager.
Cache management.
Return the TAO_Wait_Strategy used by this object. The role of the TAO_Wait_Strategy is described in more detail in that class' documentation. Enough is to say that the ORB can wait for a reply blocking on read(), using the Reactor to wait for multiple events concurrently or using the Leader/Followers protocol. |
CodeSet negotiation - Set the wchar codeset translator factory.
CodeSet Negotiation - Get the wchar codeset translator factory.
This class needs priviledged access to |
These classes need privileged access to: |
Needs priveleged access to event_handler_i () |
Have we sent any info on bidirectional information or have we received any info regarding making the connection served by this transport bidirectional. The flag is used as follows: + We dont want to send the bidirectional context info more than once on the connection. Why? Waste of marshalling and demarshalling time on the client. + On the server side -- once a client that has established the connection asks the server to use the connection both ways, we *dont* want the server to pack service info to the client. That is not allowed. We need a flag to prevent such a things from happening. The value of this flag will be 0 if the client sends info and 1 if the server receives the info. |
Our entry in the cache. We dont own this. It is here for our convenience. We cannot just change things around. |
Additional member values required to support codeset translation. @Phil, I think it would be nice if we could think of a way to do the following. We have been trying to use the transport for marking about translator factories and such! IMHO this is a wrong encapulation ie. trying to populate the transport object with these details. We should probably have a class something like TAO_Message_Property or TAO_Message_Translator or whatever (I am sure you get the idea) and encapsulate all these details. Coupling these seems odd. if I have to be more cynical we can move this to the connection_handler and it may more sense with the DSCP stuff around there. Do you agree? |
The queue will start draining no later than <queing_deadline_> if* the deadline is |
First_request_ is true until the first request is sent or received. This is necessary since codeset context information is necessary only on the first request. After that, the translators are fixed for the life of the connection. |
The timer ID.
This is an |
Implement the outgoing data queue.
A unique identifier for the transport. This never *never* changes over the lifespan, so we don't have to worry about locking it. HINT: Protocol-specific transports that use connection handler might choose to set this to the handle for their connection. |
Queue of the incoming messages..
Is this transport really connected or not. In case of oneways with SYNC_NONE Policy we don't wait until the connection is ready and we buffer the requests in this transport until the connection is ready |
Global orbcore resource.
Holds the partial GIOP message (if there is one).
Used by the LRU, LFU and FIFO Connection Purging Strategies.
Size of the buffer received.
Number of bytes sent.
IOP protocol tag.
The tcs_set_ flag indicates that negotiation has occured and so the translators are correct, since a null translator is valid if both ends are using the same codeset, whatever that codeset might be. |
Strategy to decide whether multiple requests can be sent over the same connection or the connection is exclusive for a request. |
The adapter used to receive timeout callbacks from the Reactor.
Strategy for waiting for the reply after sending the request.