ACE_Obstack_T< CHAR > Member List

This is the complete list of members for ACE_Obstack_T< CHAR >, including all inherited members.
ACE_Obstack_T(size_t size=(4096 *sizeof(CHAR))-sizeof(ACE_Obchunk), ACE_Allocator *allocator_strategy=0)ACE_Obstack_T< CHAR > [inline]
allocator_strategy_ACE_Obstack_T< CHAR > [protected]
copy(const CHAR *data, size_t len)ACE_Obstack_T< CHAR > [inline]
curr_ACE_Obstack_T< CHAR > [protected]
dump(void) const ACE_Obstack_T< CHAR > [inline]
freeze(void)ACE_Obstack_T< CHAR > [inline]
grow(CHAR c)ACE_Obstack_T< CHAR > [inline]
grow_fast(CHAR c)ACE_Obstack_T< CHAR > [inline]
head_ACE_Obstack_T< CHAR > [protected]
length(void) const ACE_Obstack_T< CHAR > [inline]
new_chunk(void)ACE_Obstack_T< CHAR > [inline, protected]
release(void)ACE_Obstack_T< CHAR > [inline]
request(size_t len)ACE_Obstack_T< CHAR > [inline]
size(void) const ACE_Obstack_T< CHAR > [inline]
size_ACE_Obstack_T< CHAR > [protected]
unwind(void *obj)ACE_Obstack_T< CHAR > [inline]
unwind_i(void *obj)ACE_Obstack_T< CHAR > [inline, protected]
~ACE_Obstack_T(void)ACE_Obstack_T< CHAR > [inline]
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Generated on Fri Sep 11 03:57:29 2009 for ACE by  doxygen 1.6.1