LiveLessons: Design Patterns in Java

Douglas C. Schmidt (
Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor
of Engineering (Computer Science),
Associate Provost of Research, and
Data Science Institute Co-Director
at Vanderbilt University

Table of Contents

oCourse Summary
oCourse Topics
oCourse Objectives
oRecommended Background
oJava Source Code
oFacebook Group
oAdditional Resources
oAbout the Instructor

Course Summary

Despite many improvements in hardware, developing quality software on-time and under budget remains hard. Moreover, developing high quality reusable software is even harder. In my experience, the principles, practices, and skills required to develop such software are best learned by gaining a firm understanding of patterns, pattern languages, and frameworks.

A pattern describes a reusable solution to a common problem that arises within a particular context of software design. When related patterns are woven together they form a pattern language that provides vocabulary and a process for the orderly resolution of software development problems. A framework is an integrated set of software components that collaborate to provide a reusable architecture for a family of related applications. Frameworks can also be viewed as concrete realizations of pattern languages that facilitate direct reuse of detailed designs and source code.

This LiveLessons course describes how to apply patterns and frameworks to alleviate the complexity of developing software via the use of object-oriented design techniques and Java programming language features. We'll use a case study based on many patterns in the book Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (the so-called ``Gang of Four'' or ``GoF'' book) to showcase pattern-oriented design and programming techniques in Java. This case study will help us evaluate the limitations with alternative design and programming methods (such as algorithm decomposition) and demonstrate by example how patterns and object-orientation help alleviate these limitations.

Course Topics

The Table of Contents for the course is available here. The following is a summary of the key topics covered in this course:

Course Objectives

Upon completing this course, students will be able to:

Recommended Background

This course is intended for software developers who are familiar with More coverage of these topics is available in my
Coursera MOOC on patterns and frameworks for concurrent and networked software.

Java Source Code

The Java source code for the expression tree processing app is available in a GitHub repository. This code has been written and tested using Eclipse on Android. It should be straightforward to port it to other Java environments, as well.

Suggestions for improvement are welcome (especially if they are accompanied with updates to the source code). Note that the GUI version of the Calculator "Verbose Mode" is still a work-in-progress. If you'd like to help improve it please let me know.

Facebook Group

There's a Facebook group on Design Patterns in Java. Feel free to post questions and comments on that group.

Additional Resources

The following are other online sources of material on GoF patterns:

About the Instructor

Dr. Douglas C. Schmidt is currently the President-appointed and Senate-confirmed Director of Operational Test and Evaluation, where he is responsible for overseeing the evaluation of the operational effectiveness, suitability, survivability, and (when necessary) lethality of United States defense systems to defend the homeland and prevail in conflict.

He's on leave from Vanderbilt University, where he is the Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor of Engineering in Computer Science, the Associate Chair of Computer Science, and a Senior Researcher at the Institute for Software Integrated Systems. He is also on leave from the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at Carnegie Mellon University, where he is a Visiting Scientist. From 2018 to 2022 Dr. Schmidt served as the Associate Provost of Research Development and Technologies and the Co-Director of the Data Science Institute, both at Vanderbilt University.

Dr. Schmidt is an internationally renowned and widely cited (an h-index of 93, an i10-index of 402, and a citation count of 48,500+) researcher whose work focuses on patterns, optimization techniques, and empirical analyses of object-oriented and component-based frameworks and model-driven engineering tools that facilitate the development of distributed real-time and embedded (DRE) middleware frameworks and mobile cloud computing applications on parallel platforms running over wireless/wired networks and embedded system interconnects. His recent research focuses on prompt engineering techniques and prompt patterns that enhance the accuracy and expressiveness of large language models (LLMs) and generative augmented intelligence platforms.

He has published 10+ books and 700+ papers (including 135+ journal papers) in top IEEE, ACM, IFIP, and USENIX technical journals, conferences, and books that cover a range of topics, including high-performance communication software systems, parallel processing for high-speed networking protocols, and distributed real-time and embedded (DRE) middleware with CORBA, Real-time Java, object-oriented patterns for concurrent and distributed systems, concurrent and networked software for mobile devices, and model-driven engineering tools. He has mentored and graduated 40+ Ph.D. and Masters students working on these research topics and has presented 600+ keynote addresses, invited talks, and tutorials on Generative AI, mobile cloud computing with Android, reusable patterns, concurrent object-oriented network programming, distributed system middleware at scores of technical conferences.

Dr. Schmidt has co-authored several books in the Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture series for Wiley & Sons edited by Frank Buschmann of Siemens, including Patterns for Concurrent and Networked Objects, A Pattern Language for Distributed Computing, and Patterns and Pattern Languages. He has also co-authored two books for Addison-Wesley on the topic of C++ Network Programming edited by Bjarne Stroustrup of AT&T Labs. He was a member of the writing team for the books Ultra-Large-Scale Systems: Software Challenge of the Future and Critical Code: Software Producibility for Defense. In addition, he has co-editored the first volume of the Pattern Languages of Program Design series by Addison-Wesley and the Object-Oriented Application Frameworks: Applications & Experiences series for Wiley & Sons.

In addition to his research, Dr. Schmidt has a taught scores of cutting-edge courses at Vanderbilt University, University of California Irvine, and Washington University St. Louis on topics relating to object-oriented design and programming, software patterns, middleware for distributed real-time and embedded systems, concurrent and networked programming with C++ and Java, and mobile cloud computing with Android. He co-taught one of the first ground-breaking cross-college University Courses at Vanderbilt on Tackling Big Problems with Mobile Cloud Computing. He received the 2015 Award for Excellence in Teaching by the Vanderbilt University School of Engineering. In addition, he's taught 10+ popular Coursera MOOCs at Vanderbilt on topics related to pattern-oriented software architecture and Android App Development to over 400,000 learners from around the world.

Dr. Schmidt has served as guest editor for feature topic issues on Applications of Augmented Reality for the IEEE Proceedings, Model-Driven Engineering for IEEE Computer magazine, middleware technologies for future communication networks for IEEE Networks magazine, Distributed Object Computing for the IEEE Communications Magazine, Distributed Object Computing for the USENIX Computing Systems Journal, and the Communications of the ACM special issues on Design Patterns and Object-Oriented Frameworks. Dr. Schmidt has also served as the editor of the C++ Report magazine and the Patterns++ section of C++ Report. Along with Steve Vinoski (Chief Architect of IONA Technologies' Orbix Object Request Broker), Dr. Schmidt co-authored the Object Interconnections column on distributed computing middleware for the C/C++ Users Journal.

From 2010 to 2014 Dr. Schmidt was a member of the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board (AF SAB), where he served as Vice Chair of a study on Cyber Situational Awareness for Air Force mission operations, as well as a study on sustaining hardware and software for US aircraft. He also served on the advisory board for the joint Navy/Army Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE) initiative. From 2000 to 2003 Dr. Schmidt served as a Program Manager in the DARPA Information eXplotation Office (IXO) and Information Technology Office (ITO), where he led the national effort on QoS-enabled component middleware research in the Program Composition for Embedded Systems (PCES) program. In addition, he served as the co-chair for the Software Design and Productivity (SDP) Coordinating Group of the Federal government's multi-agency Information Technology Research and Development (IT R&D) Program, the collaborative IT research effort of the major Federal science and technology agencies. The SDP Coordinating Group formulates the multi-agency research agenda in fundamental software design. Dr. Schmidt also served as the Deputy Director of the DARPA Information Technology Office (ITO), where he helped to set the national IT research and development agenda and manage the autonomous systems, network-centric command and control systems, distributed real-time and embedded systems, and augmented cognition.

Dr. Schmidt was also formerly an Associate Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department at the University of California, Irvine and an Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Distributed Object Computing in the Department of Computer Science and in the Department of Radiology at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. In addition, he's been an adjunct professor of Software Engineering in the Institute for Software Research at the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. He has also served as the Deputy Director of Research and Chief Technology Officer at the Software Engineering Institute, the Chief Technology Officer for PrismTech and the Chief Technology Officer at Zircon Computing, where he was responsible for technical vision, strategic directions, and growth.

Dr. Schmidt served as the Chair of the DoD Organic Software Infrastructure Workshop in 2018, the General Chair of the Software Product Line Conference in 2015, the Program Chair of the Interoperable Open Architecture 2012 and 2013 conferences; program co-chair for the 1st International Symposium on Secure Virtual Infrastructures; the general co-chair for the DEBS 2009 conference; general chair for the IEEE/ACM 2007 MODELS conference; program co-chair for the 2006 ACM GPCE conference; program chair for the ACM OOPSLA 2004 conference; vice chair for the middleware track at the 2004 IEEE Real-time Systems Symposium; general co-chair for the 2004 IEEE Real-time Technology and Application Symposium; program co-chair for 2003 IEEE Real-time Technology and Application Symposium; the program co-chair for the 2003 IFIP/ACM/USENIX Middleware International Conference on Distributed Systems Platforms; area vice-chair and session chair for Middleware at the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS); Program co-chair for the 2002 International Symposium on Distributed Objects and Applications; Program Co-chair for the 2001 International Symposium on Distributed Objects and Applications; Area vice-chair and session chair for Middleware at the 2001 IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS); co-chair of the 2000 OMG Workshop on Real-time and Embedded CORBA; general chair of the 2000 IFIP/ACM International Middleware Conference; program chair for the 1996 USENIX Conference on Object-Oriented Technologies and Systems (COOTS); and the 1996 Pattern Languages of Programming conference.

In addition to his academic research/teaching and university/government service, Dr. Schmidt has three decades of experience developing DRE middleware, model-driven engineering tools, and mobile cloud computing apps. He has led the development of the ADAPTIVE Communication Environment (ACE), which is a set of widely used, freely-available object-oriented frameworks that contain a rich set of components that implement patterns for mission-critical DRE systems. Dr. Schmidt and the members of his research group in the Distributed Object Computing (DOC) Group at Institute for Software Intensive Systems at Vanderbilt University have used ACE to develop a high performance, real-time CORBA ORB endsystem called The ACE ORB (TAO), which is a real-time ORB endsystem that supports end-to-end quality-of-service guarantees over high-speed networks. In turn, ACE and TAO form the basis for the Component-Integrated ACE ORB (CIAO), which is a real-time CORBA Component Model (CCM) implementation built by the DOC Group. The DOC Group also developed CoSMIC, which is a collection of domain-specific modeling languages and their associated analysis/synthesis tools that support various phases of DRE system development, analysis, configuration, and deployment.

The middleware platforms pioneered by Dr. Schmidt constitute some of the most successful examples of software R&D ever transitioned from academia to industry, being used successfully by thousands of developers in hundreds of companies world-wide, including Defense, Aerospace, Finance, Telecommunications, Medical, Gaming, and Internet industries. In collaboration with his colleagues, Dr. Schmidt has applied these middleware platforms and model-driven tools on large-scale telecommunications systems, medical imaging systems, real-time avionic systems, and distributed interactive simulation systems projects at many companies, including BBN, Boeing, Cisco, Ericsson, Kodak, Lockheed Martin, Lucent, Motorola, Nokia, Nortel, Raytheon, Qualcomm, SAIC, Siemens, Sprint, and Telcordia.

Dr. Schmidt received B.A. and M.A. degrees in Sociology from the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia, and an M.S. and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of California, Irvine (UCI) in 1984, 1986, 1990, and 1994, respectively.

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Last modified 13:56:46 CDT 05 April 2020