Implementation Repository

In the previous example, the client must contact the server at least once. If the server has been moved to a different host or port, or if the server is down, binding between the client and the server fails. Indirect binding through an external location broker like the Implementation Repository solves this problem.

An implementation repository maintains a data structure known as a server table to keep track of the servers. It maintains a registry of known servers, records which server is currently running on which host and at which port number, and starts servers on demand if they are registered to do so.

When a server creates a persistent reference, it sets the address and port number in the profile body of the IOR to point at the implementation repository that is responsible for the server. When a client uses this IOR, it gets connected to the implementation repository, provided the implementation repository is not down. The repository decodes this IOR and uses the POA name from the object key to index into its server table. The repository replies with the current addressing information of the actual server. The client now sends the request to the actual server.

In this example, let's proceed to modify our previous stock factory example to support indirect binding through an implementation repository.

The only thing we have to do for this is to register our childPOA with the implementation repository.

       orb->_tao_add_to_IOR_table ("childPOA", ());

Then, we stringify all the object references as usual and print them out.

       CORBA::String_var ior = orb->object_to_string ( ());


Modify the server.cpp in the simple server to create the persistent child POA. You can use the same Quoter.idl Stock_i.h Stock_i.cpp Stock_Factory_i.h Stock_Factory_i.cpp Client.cpp You can use this MPC file.


Compare your server.cpp with server.cpp file.


To test your changes, you need to run four programs. The first step is to start up the Implementation Repository provided with TAO. The Implementation Repository is split into one locator at least one activator. The locator provides the interface visible to the application intending to use the repository (in our case, the client), while the activators do the real work of activating and maintaining servers.

First, we start the locator. We need to dump the IOR of the ImplRepo_Service to a file, so that both the activator and the client can find the locator.

       $ $TAO_ROOT/orbsvcs/ImplRepo_Service/tao_imr_locator -o implrepo.ior -d 0 -ORBobjrefstyle URL &

Second, we start the activator, pointing it to the locator's IOR file.

       $ $TAO_ROOT/orbsvcs/ImplRepo_Service/tao_imr_activator -ORBInitRef ImplRepoService=file://implrepo.ior

          ImR Activator: Starting
          ImR Activator: Registered with ImR.

Next, we need to register our server with the implementation repository. We can use the $TAO_ROOT/orbsvcs/ImplRepo_Service/tao_imr_locator application provided with TAO to add our server to the server database in the implementation repository.

       $ $TAO_ROOT/orbsvcs/ImplRepo_Service/tao_imr_locator -ORBInitRef
         ImplRepoService=file://implrepo.ior add childPOA -c
         "./server -ORBUseIMR 1 -ORBobjrefstyle URL -ORBInitRef

          Successfully registered server 

On Windows platforms, use this command instead to register the server in the implementation repository

    $ACE_ROOT/bin/tao_imr -ORBInitRef ImplRepoService=file://implrepo.ior
    add childPOA -c "./server -ORBUseIMR 1 -ORBobjrefstyle URL
    -ORBInitRef ImplRepoService=file://implrepo.ior"

We specify the -ORBInitRef option to use the IOR in the implrepo.ior file and the -ORBUseIMR option to tell the server to use the IMR for notification of its startup and shutdown.

The next step is to generate a simple IOR for our server to be used with the IMR, using the ior option, and write it to stock_factory.ior.

       $tao_imr -ORBInitRef ImplRepoService=file://implrepo.ior ior
       childPOA -f stock_factory.ior


From now, the implementation repository is all set to keep track of our server and do the needful on a method invocation on our server.

Now, execute the client as usual.

       ./client file://stock_factory.ior MSFT RHAT

       The price of a stock in "Microsoft, Inc." is $91
       The price of a stock in "RedHat, Inc." is $210

For testing the persistency of the POA, let's shut down the server and then run the client.

       $tao_imr -ORBInitRef ImplRepoService=file://implrepo.ior
       shutdown childPOA

         Successfully shutdown server 

       ./client file://stock_factory.ior MSFT RHAT

         The price of a stock in "RedHat, Inc." is $210
         The price of a stock in "Microsoft, Inc." is $91

More Reading

More information on Implementation Repository is here.

The Henning and Vinoski CORBA book discusses POA policies in detail. Likewise, the Schmidt and Vinoski columns in C++ Report also include several articles about the POA. Finally, the TAO distribution includes examples that illustrate how to use the POA policies.

Priyanka Gontla
Last modified: Sat May 19 17:19:07 CDT 2001