Jeff Parsons
Institute for Software Integrated Systems
Vanderbilt University
VUSE-ISIS building
1025 16th Ave S, Suite 102
Nashville, TN 37212
Phone: (615) 579-4563

Updated January 6, 2015


US citizen
Areas of interest - middleware, generative programming, graphic modeling languages, object-oriented design, design patterns
Entire college education financed by scholarships and self-employment.


MS in Computer Science, December 2002
Washington University, St. Louis, MO

BS in Computer Science, December 1998, summa cum laude
Washington University, St. Louis, MO

AA in Computer Science, May 1996, with honors
St. Louis Community College, St. Louis, MO

Honors and Awards


Language, Architecture, and Software Experience

o C/C++ (20 years).
o CORBA (OMG's Common Object Request Broker Architecture, platform- & language-independent distributed computing) (15 years).
o CCM (CORBA Component Model, extends CORBA to support components, ports, connections, deployment & configuration) (13 years).
o DDS (OMG's Data Distribution Service, have worked with 3 C++ vendors) (8 years).
o IDL (Interface Definition Language, used in CORBA/CCM/DDS, mappings to C/C++, Java, and many other languages) (15 years).
o ACE (Adaptive Communication Environment, open source portable C++ network & systems programming toolkit) (15 years).
o TAO (The ACE ORB, open source C++ CORBA implementation using ACE) (15 years).
o CIAO (Component Integrated ACE ORB, open source C++ CCM implementation) (13 years).
o GME (Generic Modeling Environment, design and use of graphic modeling languages) (4 years).
o CoSMIC (Component Synthesis with Model Integrated Computing, models component-based systems, uses GME) (3 years).

Work Experience

o Institute for Software Integrated Systems
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, September 2002 to present.

DARPA project
Funded by DARPA
o Advised on the use of DDS as synch mechanism among over-the-horizon gateway computers, each connected to Android handheld devices.
o Implemented distributed data storage service.
o Implemented generation of C++ boilerplate code from XML using Java StringTemplate.

FACE, Future Airborne Capability Environment
Funded by DoD consortium.
o Advised on the use of CORBA, CCM and DDS as network infrastucture for all avionics computing networks.
o Implemented custom backend for IDL compiler to generate C, C++, Java and Ada from FACE datatypes and operations.
o Worked with team to modify and integrate the partitioned OS developed in the F6 project (see below).
o Implemented Java bindings for partitioned OS.

AMI4CCM, Integration of CORBA Asynchronous Method Invocation (AMI) with CCM
Funded by Northrup-Grumman.
o Extended TAO IDL compiler code generation to include CCM connectors using AMI.

DDS4CCM, Integration of DDS with CCM
Funded by Northrup-Grumman.
o Advised OMG on extension of IDL spec, implemented IDL extensions in TAO IDL compiler frontend, extended TAO IDL compiler code generation to include CCM connectors using DDS.

F6, Development of modular satellites
Funded by DARPA.
o Worked on use of CORBA Notification Service to facilitate ground communication, maintaining orbit formation, and data distribution among elements of a modular satellite.
o Worked with team to implement an extended Linux kernel to support a partitioned OS.
o Took over development and maintenance of IDL compiler backend written in Ruby.

DDS, Benchmarking project
Funded by AFRL.
o Compared DDS performance with that of other pub/sub software and compared performance of 3 C++ DDS implementations.

CIAO, Real-time CCM project
Funded by The Boeing Company and DARPA.
o Advised on spec and implemented IDL3+ support in TAO IDL compiler. Also implemented code generation for DDS4CCM and AMI4CCM connectors.

CoSMIC, Toolsuite for modeling and synthesis of component systems
Funded by DARPA, Lockheed-Martin and Raytheon.
o Modeling language design team
o Model interpreters generating C++ and XML

o Center for Distributed Object Computing Washington University, St. Louis, May 1998 to September 2002.
TAO, Real-time CORBA project
Funded by The Boeing Company, Motorola Corporation, Lucent Technologies, and Siemens Medical Engineering.
o Implemented (and point of contact) Dynamic Any.
o Implemented (and point of contact) Interface Repository.
o Point of contact for new features and maintenance of TAO IDL compiler.
o The Green Room St. Louis, October 1987 to August 1996
o Owner/operator of music recording studio.
o Radio jingles, animation soundtracks, voice-overs, songwriters' demos.
o Songwriting, arranging, performing, tracking, mixing, editing, maintenance, office.
o Business closed upon becoming full-time student at Washington University

Reference contacts