This is the complete list of members for TAO_Naming_Server, including all inherited members.
base_address_ | TAO_Naming_Server | protected |
context_index_ | TAO_Naming_Server | protected |
context_size_ | TAO_Naming_Server | protected |
fini(void) | TAO_Naming_Server | virtual |
init(CORBA::ORB_ptr orb, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa, size_t context_size=ACE_DEFAULT_MAP_SIZE, ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0, bool resolve_for_existing_naming_service=true, const ACE_TCHAR *persistence_location=0, void *base_addr=TAO_NAMING_BASE_ADDR, int enable_multicast=1, int use_storable_context=0, int round_trip_timeout=0, int use_round_trip_timeout=0) | TAO_Naming_Server | |
init_new_naming(CORBA::ORB_ptr orb, PortableServer::POA_ptr root_poa, const ACE_TCHAR *persistence_location, void *base_addr, size_t context_size, int enable_multicast, int use_storable_context, int round_trip_timeout=0, int use_round_trip_timeout=0) | TAO_Naming_Server | protectedvirtual |
init_with_orb(int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[], CORBA::ORB_ptr orb) | TAO_Naming_Server | virtual |
ior_file_name_ | TAO_Naming_Server | protected |
ior_multicast_ | TAO_Naming_Server | protected |
multicast_ | TAO_Naming_Server | protected |
naming_context_ | TAO_Naming_Server | protected |
naming_service_ior(void) | TAO_Naming_Server | |
naming_service_ior_ | TAO_Naming_Server | protected |
ns_poa_ | TAO_Naming_Server | protected |
operator->(void) const | TAO_Naming_Server | |
orb_ | TAO_Naming_Server | protected |
parse_args(int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[]) | TAO_Naming_Server | protectedvirtual |
persistence_file_name_ | TAO_Naming_Server | protected |
persistent_naming_context_factory(void) | TAO_Naming_Server | protectedvirtual |
pid_file_name_ | TAO_Naming_Server | protected |
root_poa_ | TAO_Naming_Server | protected |
round_trip_timeout_ | TAO_Naming_Server | protected |
servant_activator_ | TAO_Naming_Server | protected |
storable_naming_context_factory(size_t context_size) | TAO_Naming_Server | protectedvirtual |
TAO_Naming_Server(void) | TAO_Naming_Server | |
TAO_Naming_Server(CORBA::ORB_ptr orb, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa, size_t context_size=ACE_DEFAULT_MAP_SIZE, ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0, bool resolve_for_existing_naming_service=true, const ACE_TCHAR *persistence_location=0, void *base_addr=TAO_NAMING_BASE_ADDR, int enable_multicast=1, int use_storable_context=0, int round_trip_timeout=0, int use_round_trip_timeout=0) | TAO_Naming_Server | |
use_redundancy_ | TAO_Naming_Server | protected |
use_round_trip_timeout_ | TAO_Naming_Server | protected |
use_servant_activator_ | TAO_Naming_Server | protected |
use_storable_context_ | TAO_Naming_Server | protected |
write_ior_to_file(const char *ior_string, const char *file_name) | TAO_Naming_Server | protected |
~TAO_Naming_Server(void) | TAO_Naming_Server | virtual |