CIAO::Container Interface Reference

Common container interface definition. More...

import "Container_Base.idl";

Inheritance diagram for CIAO::Container:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

CORBA::PolicyList get_receptacle_policy (in string name)
Components::CCMHome install_home (in string primary_artifact, in string entry_point, in string servant_artifact, in string servant_entrypoint, in string name)
void uninstall_home (in Components::CCMHome homeptr)
Components::CCMObject install_component (in string primary_artifact, in string entry_point, in string servant_artifact, in string servant_entrypoint, in string name)
void activate_component (in Components::CCMObject name)
void passivate_component (in Components::CCMObject name)
void uninstall_component (in Components::CCMObject compptr)
Object install_servant (in PortableServer::Servant svnt, in Container_Types::OA_Type type, out PortableServer::ObjectId oid)
void uninstall_servant (in PortableServer::Servant compptr, in Container_Types::OA_Type type, out PortableServer::ObjectId oid)
Servant_Activator ports_servant_activator ()
Object generate_reference (in string obj_id, in string repo_id, in Container_Types::OA_Type type)
Object get_objref (in PortableServer::Servant p)
PortableServer::POA the_POA ()
PortableServer::POA the_port_POA ()

Detailed Description

Common container interface definition.

Internal container interfaces.

Perhaps we can use local interface to define these interfaces as we will also get reference counting automatically.

This interface provides interfactes to two portions of the CIAO container architecture: The generic external container interface created by the component server, and the component specific container portions generated by the CIDL compiler (the component servant)

Member Function Documentation

void CIAO::Container::activate_component ( in Components::CCMObject  name  ) 
Object CIAO::Container::generate_reference ( in string  obj_id,
in string  repo_id,
in Container_Types::OA_Type  type 
Object CIAO::Container::get_objref ( in PortableServer::Servant  p  ) 
CORBA::PolicyList CIAO::Container::get_receptacle_policy ( in string  name  ) 
Components::CCMObject CIAO::Container::install_component ( in string  primary_artifact,
in string  entry_point,
in string  servant_artifact,
in string  servant_entrypoint,
in string  name 
Components::CCMHome CIAO::Container::install_home ( in string  primary_artifact,
in string  entry_point,
in string  servant_artifact,
in string  servant_entrypoint,
in string  name 
Object CIAO::Container::install_servant ( in PortableServer::Servant  svnt,
in Container_Types::OA_Type  type,
out PortableServer::ObjectId  oid 
void CIAO::Container::passivate_component ( in Components::CCMObject  name  ) 
Servant_Activator CIAO::Container::ports_servant_activator (  ) 

Implemented in CIAO::Session_Container.

PortableServer::POA CIAO::Container::the_POA (  ) 

Implemented in CIAO::Container_i.

PortableServer::POA CIAO::Container::the_port_POA (  ) 

Implemented in CIAO::Container_i.

void CIAO::Container::uninstall_component ( in Components::CCMObject  compptr  ) 
void CIAO::Container::uninstall_home ( in Components::CCMHome  homeptr  ) 
void CIAO::Container::uninstall_servant ( in PortableServer::Servant  compptr,
in Container_Types::OA_Type  type,
out PortableServer::ObjectId  oid 

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