CosEventComm.idl File Reference

Define the CosEventComm module. More...

This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:


namespace  CosEventComm


exception  CosEventComm::Disconnected
 Exception raised when a client tries to communicate with the Event Service after it has disconnected. More...
interface  CosEventComm::PushConsumer
 Define the interface implemented by push-style consumers. More...
interface  CosEventComm::PushSupplier
 Define the interface implemented by push-style suppliers. More...
interface  CosEventComm::PullConsumer
 Define the interface implemented by pull-style consumers. More...
interface  CosEventComm::PullSupplier
 Define the interface implemented by pull-style suppliers. More...

Detailed Description

Define the CosEventComm module.


Described in CORBAservices: Common Object Services Specification, chapter 4.

CosEventComm Module, page 4-8 includes the following interfaces: PushConsumer, PushSupplier, PullSupplier, PullConsumer

The Event service IDL can be downloaded from

The complete specification is available from:

Pradeep Gore <>

Generated on Mon Sep 3 04:29:36 2007 for TAO_CosEvent by  doxygen 1.5.3