- Member ACEXML_Debug_DTD_Manager::getValidator (const ACEXML_Char *namespaceURI, const ACEXML_Char *localName, const ACEXML_Char *qName ACEXML_ENV_ARG_DECL)
- I haven't figured out what memory management scheme we should use for the acquired validator.
- Class ACEXML_Debug_Element_Builder
- This class is not namespace-aware.
- Class ACEXML_DTD_Manager
- Fill in the blank.
- Member ACEXML_DTD_Manager::getValidator (const ACEXML_Char *namespaceURI, const ACEXML_Char *localName, const ACEXML_Char *qName ACEXML_ENV_ARG_DECL)=0
- I haven't figured out what memory management scheme we should use for the acquired validator.
- Class ACEXML_Entity_Manager
- Fill in details for this class.
- Class ACEXML_LocatorImpl
- ACEXML parser doesn't support the use of Locator yet.
- Member ACEXML_Parser::parse_element (int is_root ACEXML_ENV_ARG_DECL)
- Instead of simply checking for the root element based on the argument is_root, we should instead either pass in some sort of validator or allow the function to return the element name so it can be used in a validator.
- Class ACEXML_StreamFactory
- Write a stream abstraction for handling ftp:// type URIs and add a function to create and return such streams. That is the only chunk missing in the armour.
Generated on Mon Sep 3 04:03:11 2007 for ACEXML by