ACE_TLI_Connector Member List

This is the complete list of members for ACE_TLI_Connector, including all inherited members.

ACE_TLI_Connector(ACE_TLI_Stream &new_stream, const ACE_Addr &remote_sap, ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0, const ACE_Addr &local_sap=ACE_Addr::sap_any, int reuse_addr=0, int flags=O_RDWR, int perms=0, const char device[]=ACE_TLI_TCP_DEVICE, struct t_info *info=0, int rw_flag=1, struct netbuf *udata=0, struct netbuf *opt=0)ACE_TLI_Connector
complete(ACE_TLI_Stream &new_stream, ACE_Addr *remote_sap, ACE_Time_Value *tv)ACE_TLI_Connector
connect(ACE_TLI_Stream &new_stream, const ACE_Addr &remote_sap, ACE_Time_Value *timeout=0, const ACE_Addr &local_sap=ACE_Addr::sap_any, int reuse_addr=0, int flags=O_RDWR, int perms=0, const char device[]=ACE_TLI_TCP_DEVICE, struct t_info *info=0, int rw_flag=1, struct netbuf *udata=0, struct netbuf *opt=0)ACE_TLI_Connector
dump(void) const ACE_TLI_Connector
PEER_ADDR typedefACE_TLI_Connector
PEER_STREAM typedefACE_TLI_Connector
reset_new_handle(ACE_HANDLE handle)ACE_TLI_Connector

Generated on Mon Sep 3 03:58:43 2007 for ACE by  doxygen 1.5.3