Namespaces |
namespace | ContainerPortableInterceptor |
namespace | QoS |
namespace | Transaction |
Classes |
exception | InvalidConnection |
exception | AlreadyConnected |
exception | NoConnection |
exception | PolicyMismatch |
exception | PersistenceNotAvailable |
interface | CCM2Context |
exception | CCMException |
interface | ComponentId |
exception | WrongComponentType |
interface | Configurator |
exception | IllegalState |
interface | CCMContext |
interface | Cookie |
interface | EnterpriseComponent |
interface | Entity2Context |
interface | EntityComponent |
interface | EntityContext |
interface | Enumeration |
interface | DefaultEnumeration |
interface | EventBase |
exception | BadEventType |
interface | EventConsumerBase |
interface | ConsumerDescription |
interface | EmitterDescription |
interface | SubscriberDescription |
interface | PublisherDescription |
interface | Events |
interface | ExecutorLocator |
exception | CreateFailure |
exception | FinderFailure |
exception | RemoveFailure |
exception | DuplicateKeyValue |
exception | InvalidKey |
exception | UnknownKeyValue |
interface | CCMHome |
interface | HomeConfiguration |
interface | HomeExecutorBase |
exception | HomeNotFound |
interface | HomeFinder |
interface | HomeRegistration |
interface | KeylessCCMHome |
interface | PortDescription |
interface | FacetDescription |
exception | InvalidName |
interface | Navigation |
exception | InvalidConfiguration |
| Shouldn't be here but is now here because of CIAO additions. More...
interface | ComponentPortDescription |
exception | NoKeyAvailable |
interface | CCMObject |
interface | PrimaryKeyBase |
exception | UnknownActualHome |
exception | ProxyHomeNotSupported |
interface | ProxyHomeRegistration |
interface | ConnectionDescription |
interface | ReceptacleDescription |
exception | ExceededConnectionLimit |
exception | CookieRequired |
interface | Receptacles |
exception | BadComponentReference |
interface | Session2Context |
interface | SessionComponent |
interface | SessionContext |
interface | SessionSynchronization |
interface | ConfigValue |
interface | StandardConfigurator |
exception | InvalidStateIdData |
interface | StateIdValue |
interface | StateIdFactory |
interface | PersistentIdValue |
interface | SegmentDescr |
interface | ExtensionComponent |
interface | ExtensionContext |
Typedefs |
CosPersistentState::CatalogBase | CatalogBase |
typedef CosPersistentState::_TypeId | _TypeId |
typedef SecurityLevel2::Credentials | Principal |
typedef sequence< CCMObject > | CCMObjectSeq |
typedef sequence
< ConsumerDescription > | ConsumerDescriptions |
typedef sequence
< EmitterDescription > | EmitterDescriptions |
typedef sequence
< SubscriberDescription > | SubscriberDescriptions |
typedef sequence
< PublisherDescription > | PublisherDescriptions |
typedef unsigned long | FailureReason |
typedef string | FeatureName |
typedef sequence< FeatureName > | NameList |
typedef sequence
< FacetDescription > | FacetDescriptions |
typedef FailureReason | InvalidConfigurationReason |
typedef sequence
< ConnectionDescription > | ConnectionDescriptions |
typedef sequence
< ReceptacleDescription > | ReceptacleDescriptions |
typedef sequence< ConfigValue > | ConfigValues |
typedef short | SegmentId |
typedef short | FacetId |
typedef sequence< octet > | IdData |
typedef CosPersistentState::Pid | PersistentId |
typedef short | StateIdType |
typedef sequence< SegmentDescr > | SegmentDescrSeq |
typedef CCMHome * | CCMHome_ptr |
typedef TAO_Objref_Var_T< CCMHome > | CCMHome_var |
typedef Principal * | Principal_ptr |
Enumerations |
enum | CCMExceptionReason {
} |
enum | BadComponentReferenceReason { NON_LOCAL_REFERENCE,
} |
Variables |
typeprefix Components omg | org |
const InvalidConfigurationReason | UnknownConfigValueName = 0 |
const InvalidConfigurationReason | InvalidConfigValueType = 1 |
const InvalidConfigurationReason | ConfigValueRequired = 2 |
const InvalidConfigurationReason | ConfigValueNotExpected = 3 |
const SegmentId | COMPONENT_SEGMENT = 0 |
const FacetId | COMPONENT_FACET = 0 |
const StateIdType | PERSISTENT_ID = 0 |