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CosNotifyComm Namespace Reference

Define the interfaces implemented by users of the CORBA Notification Service. More...


exception  CosNotifyComm::InvalidEventType
 Exception raised to indicate that an EventType is syntactically or semantically invalid. More...
interface  CosNotifyComm::NotifyPublish
 Defines interface to report changes in the events published to a consumer. More...
interface  CosNotifyComm::NotifySubscribe
 Defines interface to report changes in the events required from a supplier. More...
interface  CosNotifyComm::PushConsumer
 Defines the interface used by push-style consumers. More...
interface  CosNotifyComm::PushSupplier
 Defines the interface used by push-style suppliers. More...
interface  CosNotifyComm::StructuredPushConsumer
 Defines the interface used by push-style consumers of structured events. More...
interface  CosNotifyComm::StructuredPushSupplier
 Defines the interface used by push-style suppliers that provide structure events. More...
interface  CosNotifyComm::SequencePushConsumer
 Defines the interface used by push-style consumers that interested in event batches. More...
interface  CosNotifyComm::SequencePushSupplier
 Defines the interface used by push-style suppliers that provide event batches. More...

Detailed Description

Define the interfaces implemented by users of the CORBA Notification Service.
Generated on Sat Aug 6 03:35:46 2005 for TAO_CosNotification by  doxygen