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AVStreams::MCastConfigIf Member List

This is the complete list of members for AVStreams::MCastConfigIf, including all inherited members.

configure(in CosPropertyService::Property a_configuration)AVStreams::MCastConfigIf
set_dev_params(in string flowName, in CosPropertyService::Properties new_params)AVStreams::MCastConfigIf
set_format(in string flowName, in string format_name)AVStreams::MCastConfigIf
set_initial_configuration(in CosPropertyService::Properties initial)AVStreams::MCastConfigIf
set_peer(in Object peer, inout streamQoS the_qos, in flowSpec the_spec)AVStreams::MCastConfigIf

Generated on Sat Aug 6 03:40:12 2005 for TAO_AV by  doxygen