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AVStreams::StreamCtrl Member List

This is the complete list of members for AVStreams::StreamCtrl, including all inherited members.

bind(in StreamEndPoint_A a_party, in StreamEndPoint_B b_party, inout streamQoS the_qos, in flowSpec the_flows)AVStreams::StreamCtrl
bind_devs(in MMDevice a_party, in MMDevice b_party, inout streamQoS the_qos, in flowSpec the_flows)AVStreams::StreamCtrl
destroy(in flowSpec the_spec)AVStreams::Basic_StreamCtrl
get_flow_connection(in string flow_name)AVStreams::Basic_StreamCtrl
get_related_vdev(in MMDevice adev, out StreamEndPoint sep)AVStreams::StreamCtrl
modify_QoS(inout streamQoS new_qos, in flowSpec the_spec)AVStreams::Basic_StreamCtrl
push_event(in streamEvent the_event)AVStreams::Basic_StreamCtrl
set_flow_connection(in string flow_name, in Object flow_connection)AVStreams::Basic_StreamCtrl
set_FPStatus(in flowSpec the_spec, in string fp_name, in any fp_settings)AVStreams::Basic_StreamCtrl
start(in flowSpec the_spec)AVStreams::Basic_StreamCtrl
stop(in flowSpec the_spec)AVStreams::Basic_StreamCtrl
unbind_dev(in MMDevice dev, in flowSpec the_spec)AVStreams::StreamCtrl
unbind_party(in StreamEndPoint the_ep, in flowSpec the_spec)AVStreams::StreamCtrl

Generated on Fri Dec 31 16:21:42 2004 for TAO_AV by  doxygen