DDS Benchmark Environment (DBE) Scripts User Manual: 1. Installation 2. Running 3. Settings 4. Results 5. Termination 6. Automation -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Installation First, untar the benchmark.tar file to a directory on your cluster or local machine (if that is where you intend to run the scripts.) Next, create two files - and inside of your test code directories and modify to reference these files for their respective implementations (you'll likely want different and files for each implementation.) Unless you are running this on a single machine, you should probably create an NFS partition for results to be saved to. This allows centralized logs, stats, etc. Also, it allows for test settings files, network settings files, and QoS settings files to be centrally located. Because the DBE uses terminal-less remote SSH command execution, any type of terminal specific operations (like loading bash_profile) will not occur. Care should be taken to edit your ~/.ssh/environment file as well as updating your SSH version to PermitUserEnvironment (this is a simple configuration step.) The environment file should include all relevant PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and implementation specific variables. The initialization of these variables should either be taken out of the bash_profile (if SSH is how logins occur on the machine anyway) or the initialization of these variables in bash_profile should be modified to never append new information on to itself. The reason for this final part is because if the environment file is loaded with a fully initialized PATH variable (or similar) and you add that same PATH to itself in the bash_profile when you login normally. So, the PATH variable would be twice the size, but contain no new information. This can degrade performance somewhat when PATH or similar variables are being parsed by the underlying OS. If you have specific questions or problems with getting any of these to function, please contact James Edmondson at 2. Running location: ~/scripts/ usage: ~/scripts/ [-i impl] [-minsize #] [-maxsize #] [-n netSettingsFile] [-q defaultQoSFile] [-type testType] [-primer numPrimerMessages] [-statsmessages numStatsMessages] [testSettingsFile] There are lots of arguments you can include at the command line to customize tests to your liking, but the basic options you should know about are: [-i impl] : this specifies the implementation that you'd like to test [testfile] : this file contains test parameters to use. Any setting defined here can be overridden using a command line arg. For instance, if you want to test NDDS and TAO DDS and you have a test file created that has all the settings that you want, but it specifies impl=NDDS, you can get the functionality you want by doing the following for TAO DDS. ~/scripts/ -i TAO-DDS myTestFile.test [-minsize #] : specifies the minimum size of packet to test. This is typically more useful in throughput tests than in others. [-maxsize #] : specifies the maximum size of packet to test. This is typically more useful in throughput tests than in others. 3. Settings We have a system setup for isolating the three different types of settings files. Network Settings Files: ~/DDS/settings/net/ QoS Settings Files: ~/DDS/settings/qos/ Test Settings Files: ~/DDS/settings/test/ If you want to add a test file or network settings file, please place them in the appropriate directories. Settings File Layout: Each settings file consists of a sequence of keys and values paired together with '=' and separated from each other by newlines. Comments are allowed by using the '#' character. impl=NDDS and IMPL=ndds are treated the same (case insensitive), although we'd recommend making everything as legible as possible. The exception is the 'net' and 'qos' values which will not be converted as they are actual directory locations. Obviously, if you have a settings file located at "/home/myaccount/Test.settings", we can't reach the file if we're trying to reach "/home/myaccount/test.settings" on a Linux box. EXAMPLE TEST SETTINGS FILE: # what is expected here: # impl - specifies implementation # type - type of benchmark: throughput is currently supported # minSize - minimum packet size # maxSize - maximum packet size #implementation #impl=TAO-DDS impl=NDDS type=throughput minSize=4 maxSize=1024 primer=100 statsMessages=10000 #QoS settings file qos=/export/home/tczar/DDS/settings/qos/defaults.txt #Network settings file net=/export/home/tczar/DDS/settings/net/blade30-34.settings Summary of file. The default qos settings are stored to be loaded from /export/home/tczar/DDS/settings/qos/defaults.txt. The network settings are loaded from /export/home/tczar/DDS/settings/net/blade30-34.settings. There are 100 primer messages and 10,000 actual messages where stats are logged. The packets will begin at 4 bytes and go up to 1024 bytes. The test will be run on NDDS and the type of test will test throughput. 4. Results Results are stored in a special directory (~/DDS/results). If you're trying to find the results for a test you ran, you can find the specific results directory two ways. I. Check ~/DDS/results/tests.list for the test id. The tests.list file stores human readable information about each test that is run. Currently, it logs the test id, test type, minsize-maxsize, and the number of subscribers. This format is governed by the function "updateTestsListingFile" in ~/scripts/scripts.lib. II. Check the printout from your console. The test id should be printed to the screen in the first couple of lines, and it should be presented in a format that is very similar to the one in tests.list. If you have the test id, you can access your results by looking in: ~/DDS/results/#id where #id is the test id So, if you ran test id 103, you can find your results in: ~/DDS/results/103/ What is actually stored in the directory? STDOUT and STDERR are logged for each publisher and subscriber. Also, stats files, settings for the entire test, parameters passed to each domain participant, etc. can all be found in this directory. STDOUT is logged to the extension *.log STDERR is logged to the extension *.err Settings for the entire tests are stored in settings.dat The implementation (if that's all you want) is stored in impl.dat Stats are logged to the extension *.stats Settings for each participant is logged to the extension *.settings Parameters passed to each start_sub/pub are stored in *.params 5. Termination If the test hangs indefinitely, or if you are running TAO DDS tests, you will probabaly want to make sure that all executables are shutdown before running your next tests. ~/scripts/ is a script designed to kill any benchmark process running on blade30 - blade45. To kill all, simply run with no parameters. The script kills any process on the blades that is running under the username tczar and fits the filename of one of the test executables. Specifically, the terminate script kills all perl, publisher, and subscriber executables. It calls 'ospl stop' for Splice and kills the InfoRepo that is started by TAO-DDS. USAGE: ~/scripts/ [-s signal] [-i impl] [-minsize #] [-maxsize #] [-n netSettingsFile] [-q defaultQoSFile] [-type testType] [-primer numPrimerMessages] [-statsmessages numStatsMessages] [testSettingsFile] PARAMETERS -s specifies a signal to kill the processes with. If you want to simulate a SEGV for instance, provide "-s 11" -i specifies the implementation. eg. NDDS, TAO-DDS, and SPLICE. testSettingsFile specifies the testSettingsFile which was used with to start the test. -n specifies the network settings file. 6. Automation Another script is provided to help run large numbers of different tests with varied test settings. This scripts is and it has the following syntax: [-h] [-subs numSubs] [-unicast] [-multicast] [-listener] [-wait] [-i impl] [-subs numSubs] specifies the number of subscribers to test. [-unicast] specifies to test only unicast. [-multicast] specifies to test only multicast. [-listener] specifies to test only listener based. [-wait] specifies to test only wait based. [-i impl] specifies the implementation to test. Running this tool is only advised if the implementation to be tested is stable and not prone to failure. If one of the tests fails, you will likely need to first kill, then, and then run with the test settings you used on the still running test.